Understanding the Consequences of Social Media Addiction

Social Media Addiction: Is it worth it?

Shahad Alawadhi
6 min readMay 5, 2023
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Social Media Addiction: Is it worth it?

“A lot of people think Google’s just a search box, and Facebook’s a place to see what my friends are doing. What they don’t realize is — there are entire teams of engineers whose job is to use your psychology against you.”

— Tristan Harris, Former Google Design Ethicist.

Social media has become an inseparable part of our daily lives. It seems we now can survive without food but not without social media. The current generation, especially Generation Z has made it their duty to post everything related to their daily activities on social media platforms, especially Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. People nowadays put everything related to them on social media whether about the food they are having, their life partner, their vacation, their assets, or regular home scenarios. People are also enjoying it and thereby are becoming increasingly addicted to their Smartphones. However, this addiction can lead to a negative outcome for people and it might impact a person’s life in different ways. Let’s get a more detailed insight into this topic.

What exactly is social media addiction?

Social media addiction can be defined as a “behavioral addiction” that disrupts a person’s life and function because of a severe degree of dependence on social media sites/ platforms. This can be described as one submerged in the virtual world completely at the price of engaging in regular life and maintaining social obligations. Preferred ways of entertainment of people have changed over the years and they are leaning towards online platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok to get their daily dose of entertainment. It has become common that people are spending most of their time on screens compared to real-world activities like exercises or physical sports. As time goes by, an increasing number of social media users are being identified as “addicted” to the virtual world. Moreover, for some people, the addiction level can get so intense that they might forget their responsibilities and activities in the real world. Addiction to social media is a growing problem for people of all ages, often leading to isolation, loneliness, depression, and other negative health consequences. Staying connected with friends and family, discovering new sources of information and inspiration, and broadening our worldview can all be facilitated by social media. However, it is all too easy to overindulge and develop an unhealthy relationship with social media platforms. In this article, we will look at the dangers of social media addiction as well as strategies and tactics for dealing with its effects on our lives.

How addicted are people at present in the UAE to social media?

People are now more addicted than ever to social media platforms due to the entertainment they have. In the UAE, the number of social media users reached nearly 10.68 million as of 2022.

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From the graph, we can identify that the number of social media users was 9.84 million in 2021 which dramatically increased in 2022. The usage was up from only 4.4 million in 2014 to 10.68 million in 2022.

Apart from that, the young generation or youth is more addicted to social media than others. In a study found that nearly 70% of students in the UAE utilize social media platforms for five hours or more in a daily manner. This evidence shows how much addicted people are, especially the young population, to social media in the UAE.

Causes of social media addiction and Its Impact

There are many causes or contributing factors that can develop an addiction to social media within people. For example, the “Fear of Missing Out” (FOMO) is a phobia or fear when people think they will miss an enjoyable experience that others are having. This can lead people, mainly youth, to use social media more aggressively. Nomophobia is another major cause that indicates a person’s fear of being of not having their mobile phones. It is a fear of being isolated and disconnected from the world. This leads people to use social media more often. The recent Covid-19 pandemic was another reason that resulted in more social media usage and addiction. Social media is destroying your carers. You are unable to manage your time due to social media. Addiction to social media can drastically impact people’s mental and physical health. I have found that social media can provoke negative thoughts, depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.

The negative effects of social media addiction can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. Some common signs of social media addiction include:

  • Spending excessive time scrolling through feeds
  • Constantly checking notifications
  • Feeling anxious or irritable when unable to access social media
  • Prioritizing social media over other activities or responsibilities
  • Feeling overwhelmed when confronted with an excessive number of posts or notifications
  • Posting rashly or excessively
  • Developing low self-esteem as a result of comparison to other users
  • Experiencing emotional side effects such as depression, anxiety, and loneliness
  • Ignoring family, work, or school responsibilities as a result of excessive social media use
  • Using online platforms as a primary source of interaction
  • Feeling euphoria when receiving “likes” or positive comments on posts.

Social media addiction, like any other type of addiction, can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health. For starters, excessive social media use can lead to a distorted sense of reality and an unrealistic view of the world. This can occur as a result of constantly comparing oneself to others on the platform or chasing “likes” and comments, which leads to a distorted sense of self-worth and can have long-term psychological consequences. Furthermore, spending too much time on social media can lead to sleep deprivation as a result of staying up late to interact with friends and family, which can have additional health consequences.

Ways to reduce social media addiction

I have found that “cognitive-behavioral therapy” can be an effective intervention method for this problem. With this therapy, people’s addiction to social media can be reduced and controlled. Personal counseling can be also useful in this context to limit the level of addiction. However, you need to set your mind up overall to limit the use of social media platforms. If you feel are getting addicted to social media, immediately delete social media apps from your phone. You may access them from your computer but deleting apps from phones will be useful to you. During your work, turn off your personal phone or turn off notifications from apps at least. It will not work unless you put your efforts into this.

Individuals who are struggling with a social media addiction should begin by recognizing and acknowledging the problem and then making a conscious effort to reduce use. Some suggestions for reducing social media addiction include:

  • Limiting the amount of time spent on social media: to achieve a balance between online and offline life
  • Turning off notifications: notifications can lead to a cycle of addiction, so try to turn them off
  • Avoiding checking the phone or other devices first thing in the morning or last thing at night
  • Changing social media settings: use various tools to limit the amount of posts or ads one sees on their feed
  • Spending time with friends and family: engaging in physical and in-person social activities helps to foster authentic connections
  • Seeking help: if the problem persists, there is no shame in seeking professional help from a doctor or therapist.
  • Mindfulness: practice being present in the moment and recognizing when the desire to access social media arises.

It is also critical to prioritize physical activities over digital ones. Prioritizing activities such as going for walks, cooking, reading, and engaging in hobbies that do not require a device is part of this. Spending time with family and friends in person can also help break the addiction because it provides the individual with a much-needed break from the virtual world.

Although the power of social media should not be underestimated, users must exercise moderation and self-control and be aware of the effects of social media addiction on their mental and physical health.

Social media addiction can be a dangerous and potentially harmful condition for those affected by it. It can lead to a distorted sense of reality, impaired social skills, and long-lasting psychological effects. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, actively managing one’s usage, setting boundaries and turning to tangible activities and real-life interactions can help combat its impact and create a healthier relationship with social media platforms.

For further information, click on How to change your brain?

