101 top Playwright JavaScript automation interview questions with one-liner answers

Sam Atmaramani
7 min readJun 2, 2024


1. What is Playwright?

Answer : Playwright is a Node.js library for automating web browsers.

2. Which browsers does Playwright support?

Answer : Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit.

3. How do you install Playwright?

Answer : npm install @playwright/test

4. How do you launch a browser in Playwright?

Answer : const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();

5. How do you open a new page in Playwright?

Answer : const page = await browser.newPage();

6. How do you navigate to a URL in Playwright?

Answer : await page.goto(‘https://example.com');

7. How do you take a screenshot in Playwright?

Answer : await page.screenshot({ path: ‘screenshot.png’ });

8. How do you click an element in Playwright?

Answer : await page.click(‘selector’);

9. How do you type into an input field in Playwright?

Answer : await page.fill(‘selector’, ‘text’);

10. How do you wait for an element to be visible in Playwright?

Answer : await page.waitForSelector(‘selector’);

11. How do you get the text content of an element in Playwright?

Answer : const text = await page.textContent(‘selector’);

12. How do you set the viewport size in Playwright?

Answer : await page.setViewportSize({ width: 1280, height: 720 });

13. How do you emulate a mobile device in Playwright?

Answer : await page.emulate(devices[‘iPhone 11’]);

14. How do you handle file uploads in Playwright?

Answer : await page.setInputFiles(‘input[type=”file”]’, ‘path/to/file’);

15. How do you handle alerts in Playwright?

Answer : page.on(‘dialog’, dialog => dialog.accept());

16. How do you hover over an element in Playwright?

Answer : await page.hover(‘selector’);

18. How do you simulate a drag-and-drop action in Playwright?

Answer : await page.dragAndDrop(‘source’, ‘target’);

19. How do you check if an element is visible in Playwright?

Answer : const isVisible = await page.isVisible(‘selector’);

20. How do you check if an element is enabled in Playwright?

Answer : const isEnabled = await page.isEnabled(‘selector’);

21. How do you wait for navigation in Playwright?

Answer : await page.waitForNavigation();

22. How do you select an option from a dropdown in Playwright?

Answer : await page.selectOption(‘selector’, ‘value’);

23. How do you get the value of an input field in Playwright?

Answer : const value = await page.inputValue(‘selector’);

24. How do you press a key in Playwright?

Answer : await page.keyboard.press(‘Enter’);

25. How do you get the current URL in Playwright?

Answer : const url = page.url();

26. How do you run a script in the browser context in Playwright?

Answer : await page.evaluate(() => /* script */);

27. How do you capture a PDF of a page in Playwright?

Answer : await page.pdf({ path: ‘page.pdf’ });

28. How do you handle cookies in Playwright?

Answer : await page.context().addCookies([{ name: ‘cookie’, value: ‘value’, domain: ‘example.com’ }]);

29. How do you clear cookies in Playwright?

Answer : await page.context().clearCookies();

30. How do you set a browser context in Playwright?

Answer : const context = await browser.newContext();

31. How do you close the browser in Playwright?

Answer : await browser.close();

32. How do you run a headless browser in Playwright?

Answer : const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: true });

33. How do you perform mouse actions in Playwright?

Answer : await page.mouse.click(x, y);

34. How do you handle authentication in Playwright?

Answer : await page.authenticate({ username: ‘user’, password: ‘pass’ });

35. How do you get the HTML of an element in Playwright?

Answer : const html = await page.innerHTML(‘selector’);

36. How do you wait for a specific timeout in Playwright?

Answer : await page.waitForTimeout(5000);

37. How do you handle multiple pages or tabs in Playwright?

Answer : const newPage = await context.newPage();

38. How do you save the HAR file in Playwright?

Answer : await page.routeFromHAR(‘example.har’);

39. How do you handle iframes in Playwright?

Answer : const frame = await page.frame({ name: ‘frameName’ });

40. How do you check if an element is checked in Playwright?

Answer : const isChecked = await page.isChecked(‘selector’);

41. How do you set a default timeout for actions in Playwright?

Answer : page.setDefaultTimeout(10000);

42. How do you capture network requests in Playwright?

Answer : page.on(‘request’, request => console.log(request.url()));

43. How do you mock network responses in Playwright?

Answer : await page.route(‘**/api’, route => route.fulfill({ status: 200, body: ‘mocked’ }));

44. How do you block certain URLs in Playwright?

Answer : await page.route(‘**/*’, route => route.abort());

45. How do you listen to console messages in Playwright?

Answer : page.on(‘console’, msg => console.log(msg.text()));

46. How do you run tests in parallel in Playwright?

Answer : Use test.parallel() in the Playwright Test runner.

47. How do you capture video of a test run in Playwright?

Answer : await context.newPage({ recordVideo: { dir: ‘videos/’ } });

48. How do you assert that an element has a specific attribute in Playwright?

Answer : await expect(page.locator(‘selector’)).toHaveAttribute(‘attr’, ‘value’);

49. How do you use a proxy server in Playwright?

Answer : const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ proxy: { server: ‘http://proxy.com' } });

50. How do you change the user agent in Playwright?

Answer : await page.setUserAgent(‘custom-agent’);

51. How do you assert that an element has specific text in Playwright?

Answer : await expect(page.locator(‘selector’)).toHaveText(‘text’);

52. How do you check if an element is disabled in Playwright?

Answer : const isDisabled = await page.isDisabled(‘selector’);

53. How do you wait for a network response in Playwright?

Answer : await page.waitForResponse(‘**/api’);

54. How do you handle timeouts for specific actions in Playwright?

Answer : await page.click(‘selector’, { timeout: 5000 });

55. How do you run a single test in Playwright?

Answer : test.only(‘test name’, async ({ page }) => { /* test code */ });

56. How do you skip a test in Playwright?

Answer : test.skip(‘test name’, async ({ page }) => { /* test code */ });

57. How do you mark a test as failing in Playwright?

Answer : test.fail(‘test name’, async ({ page }) => { /* test code */ });

58. How do you take a screenshot on failure in Playwright?

Answer : Configure screenshot: ‘only-on-failure’ in the test config.

59. How do you retry a failing test in Playwright?

Answer : Use retries: 2 in the test config.

60. How do you capture a trace of a test run in Playwright?

Answer : await page.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });

61. How do you stop capturing a trace in Playwright?

Answer : await page.tracing.stop({ path: ‘trace.zip’ });

62. How do you disable JavaScript in Playwright?

Answer : await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(false);

63. How do you set a geolocation in Playwright?

Answer : await context.setGeolocation({ latitude: 59.95, longitude: 30.33 });

64. How do you change the timezone in Playwright?

Answer : await context.setDefaultTimezone(‘Europe/London’);

65. How do you add HTTP headers to requests in Playwright?

Answer : await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({ ‘header’: ‘value’ });

66. How do you emulate offline mode in Playwright?

Answer : await context.setOffline(true);

67. How do you emulate a slow network in Playwright?

Answer : await context.setNetworkConditions({ download: 100000, upload: 50000, latency: 200 });

68. How do you handle basic authentication in Playwright?

Answer : await page.authenticate({ username: ‘user’, password: ‘pass’ });

69. How do you handle form submission in Playwright?

Answer : await page.click(‘form [type=”submit”]’);

70. How do you check if a checkbox is checked in Playwright?

Answer : const isChecked = await page.isChecked(‘input[type=”checkbox”]’);

71. How do you record a video of a test run in Playwright?

Answer : Configure recordVideo in the browser context options.

72. How do you add a script tag to a page in Playwright?

Answer : await page.addScriptTag({ url: ‘https://example.com/script.js' });

73. How do you add a style tag to a page in Playwright?

Answer : await page.addStyleTag({ content: ‘body { background-color: red; }’ });

74. How do you focus an element in Playwright?

Answer : await page.focus(‘selector’);

75. How do you blur an element in Playwright?

Answer : await page.blur(‘selector’);

76. How do you check if an element is editable in Playwright?

Answer : const isEditable = await page.isEditable(‘selector’);

77. How do you scroll an element into view in Playwright?

Answer : await page.locator(‘selector’).scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();

78. How do you get the bounding box of an element in Playwright?

Answer : const box = await page.locator(‘selector’).boundingBox();

79. How do you use Playwright with TypeScript?

Answer : Install TypeScript and configure Playwright with TypeScript support.

80. How do you integrate Playwright with CI/CD pipelines?

Answer : Use Playwright test runners and integrate with CI/CD tools like GitHub Actions, Jenkins, or CircleCI.

81. How do you debug Playwright tests?

Answer : Use test(‘name’, async ({ page }) => { await page.pause(); });

82. How do you capture console logs in Playwright?

Answer : page.on(‘console’, msg => console.log(msg.text()));

83. How do you handle network failures in Playwright?

Answer : Use page.on(‘requestfailed’, request => console.log(request.url()));

84. How do you run Playwright tests headlessly?

Answer : Launch the browser with headless: true.

85. How do you capture network traffic in Playwright?

Answer : page.on(‘response’, response => console.log(response.url()));

86. How do you set cookies in Playwright?

Answer : await context.addCookies([{ name: ‘cookie’, value: ‘value’, domain: ‘example.com’ }]);

87. How do you delete cookies in Playwright?

Answer : await context.clearCookies();

88. How do you get cookies in Playwright?

Answer : const cookies = await context.cookies();

89. How do you set local storage in Playwright?

Answer : await page.evaluate(() => localStorage.setItem(‘key’, ‘value’));

90. How do you get local storage in Playwright?

Answer : const value = await page.evaluate(() => localStorage.getItem(‘key’));

91. How do you capture network request bodies in Playwright?

Answer : Use page.on(‘request’, request => request.postData());

92. How do you handle multiple downloads in Playwright?

Answer : await page.waitForEvent(‘download’);

93. How do you handle popups in Playwright?

Answer : page.on(‘popup’, popup => /* handle popup */);

94. How do you measure page load time in Playwright?

Answer : Use performance timing metrics via page.evaluate(() => performance.timing);

95.How do you capture browser logs in Playwright?

Answer : page.on(‘console’, msg => console.log(msg.text()));

96.How do you handle redirects in Playwright?

Answer : Use page.on(‘response’, response => response.url());

97. How do you handle CSP (Content Security Policy) in Playwright?

Answer : Use page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({ ‘Content-Security-Policy’: ‘default-src “self”’ });

98. How do you handle service workers in Playwright?

Answer : await context.serviceWorkers();

99. How do you check the status code of a network response in Playwright?

Answer : page.on(‘response’, response => response.status());

100. How do you set viewport size in Playwright?

Answer : await page.setViewportSize({ width: 1280, height: 720 });

101. How do you capture HTTP headers in Playwright?
- Answer : page.on(‘request’, request => console.log(request.headers()));

~ Happy Playwrighting



Sam Atmaramani

Javascript FullStack + Udemy Instructor + Seasoned YouTuber + Web & Mobile App Devloper + Tech Blogger https://www.udemy.com/user/sampurna-atmaramani/