Jenkins Vs Github actions — which one to choose — various use cases and Hosting related differences

Sam Atmaramani
6 min readNov 25, 2023


GitHub Actions and Jenkins are both continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools that help automate the software development process. However, there are differences between them in terms of architecture, integration, and some key features.

Below is the comparison

  1. Hosting:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions is tightly integrated with GitHub repositories. It is a cloud-based CI/CD service provided by GitHub.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins can be self-hosted on your own infrastructure or cloud platform, providing more flexibility in terms of where it is deployed.
  1. Configuration:
  • GitHub Actions: Configurations for GitHub Actions are defined directly in the repository using YAML files (.github/workflows directory). This makes it easy to version control and maintain the CI/CD workflow alongside your code.
  • Jenkins: Configurations in Jenkins are managed through a web interface or by configuring Jenkinsfiles using the Pipeline DSL. Jenkinsfiles can be version controlled, but they are typically stored separately from the code.
  1. Integration:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions is tightly integrated with GitHub repositories, providing seamless integration with GitHub features. It triggers workflows based on events like pushes, pull requests, or issue comments.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins can integrate with various version control systems, including Git, but it requires additional plugins for tighter integration with repositories. It can be triggered by webhooks, cron jobs, or other events.
  1. Extensibility:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions has a marketplace where you can find and use pre-built actions to extend functionality easily. Custom actions can also be created and shared.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins has a vast collection of plugins that provide additional functionality. Custom plugins can be developed to extend Jenkins capabilities.
  1. Scalability:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions is a cloud service provided by GitHub, and the scalability is managed by GitHub. Users do not need to worry about infrastructure scaling.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins requires manual scaling of infrastructure based on demand. Users need to manage server resources themselves, either by scaling vertically or horizontally.
  1. Ease of Use:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions is known for its simplicity and ease of use, especially for projects hosted on GitHub. The configuration is straightforward, and the service is quick to set up.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins has a steeper learning curve, and the setup might be more involved. However, it offers a high level of customization and flexibility.
  1. Community and Ecosystem:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions has a growing community and ecosystem, with a wide range of actions available in the marketplace.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins has a large and well-established community with a vast number of plugins, providing a comprehensive set of features.
  1. Agent Configuration:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions uses GitHub-hosted runners by default, which eliminates the need for users to manage their own infrastructure. You can also use self-hosted runners for more control over the execution environment.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins requires users to set up and manage their own build agents (nodes). Users need to configure and maintain these agents to execute builds.
  1. Pricing:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions offers a certain amount of free build minutes per month for public repositories. For private repositories, pricing is based on the number of concurrent jobs and the type of runner used.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins is open-source and free to use. However, users are responsible for the infrastructure costs if they use cloud-based services for hosting agents.
  1. Ease of Setup for Beginners:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions is known for its simplicity and ease of setup, especially for small to medium-sized projects. The configuration is often simpler for beginners.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins might have a steeper learning curve for beginners, especially those new to CI/CD. Setting up Jenkins and configuring jobs may require more initial effort.
  1. Integration with Other Tools:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions integrates seamlessly with other GitHub features and services. It provides native support for Docker and allows easy integration with various third-party tools through actions.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins has a wide range of plugins that allow integration with various version control systems, build tools, and deployment platforms. Users can customize their Jenkins setup based on their toolchain.
  1. Visibility and Logs:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions provides a user-friendly interface within the GitHub repository, making it easy to visualize workflows and view logs directly on the GitHub website.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins typically requires users to access the Jenkins web interface to view build logs and details. Logs can be more detailed and customizable but may require more navigation.
  1. Maintenance:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions is a managed service, and GitHub takes care of maintenance tasks and updates for the GitHub-hosted runners.
  • Jenkins: Users are responsible for maintaining their Jenkins server, applying updates, and managing plugins. This includes handling security patches and ensuring system stability.
  1. Build Matrix:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions supports build matrices, allowing you to run jobs with different configurations (e.g., different versions of programming languages) in parallel.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins also supports build matrices through plugins, allowing users to run parallel builds with different configurations.
  1. Job Dependencies:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions supports defining dependencies between jobs, allowing for more complex workflows and ensuring that jobs run in a specified order.
  • Jenkins: Jenkins supports job dependencies through plugins, but the configuration might require additional steps compared to GitHub Actions.

Hosting related differences Between Jenkins / Github actions

there are hosting-related differences between GitHub Actions and Jenkins, particularly in how the services handle infrastructure and server connections:

  1. GitHub Actions Hosting:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions is a fully managed service provided by GitHub. The infrastructure, including the runners (execution environments for workflows), is hosted and managed by GitHub. GitHub provides GitHub-hosted runners as part of the service, eliminating the need for users to manage their own infrastructure for most use cases.
  • Server Connection: GitHub Actions seamlessly integrates with GitHub repositories, and the workflow execution happens within GitHub’s ecosystem. Users don’t need to worry about setting up and maintaining servers themselves.
  1. Jenkins Hosting:
  • Jenkins: Jenkins can be hosted in various environments, including on-premises servers, cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), or as a managed service. Jenkins requires users to set up and manage their own Jenkins servers (master) and, if needed, additional build agents (nodes).
  • Server Connection: The Jenkins server can be hosted on different infrastructure providers or on the user’s own servers. Jenkins connects to version control repositories, such as GitHub, to trigger builds. Users are responsible for server maintenance, updates, and scaling based on demand.
  1. GitHub Actions GitHub-Hosted Runners:
  • GitHub Actions provides GitHub-hosted runners, which are virtual machines hosted by GitHub. These runners are pre-configured with various software tools, dependencies, and operating systems. GitHub Actions users can use these runners for free or opt for self-hosted runners for more customization.
  • Server Connection: GitHub Actions GitHub-hosted runners connect to GitHub’s infrastructure for workflow execution. Users don’t have direct control over the underlying servers.
  1. Jenkins Build Agents (Nodes):
  • Jenkins users have the flexibility to set up their own build agents (nodes) based on their infrastructure requirements. These agents can be hosted on the user’s servers or cloud instances, providing control over the environment.
  • Server Connection: Jenkins build agents connect to the Jenkins master server for job execution. Users can configure and manage agents to meet specific needs, including the use of cloud-based agents for dynamic scaling.
  1. Scalability:
  • GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions is designed for scalability, and GitHub takes care of managing the infrastructure for GitHub-hosted runners. Users can leverage GitHub’s infrastructure to scale workflows.
  • Jenkins: Scalability in Jenkins depends on how users configure and manage build agents. Users need to manually scale Jenkins infrastructure based on demand, which may involve setting up additional nodes or using cloud-based agents.



Sam Atmaramani

Javascript FullStack + Udemy Instructor + Seasoned YouTuber + Web & Mobile App Devloper + Tech Blogger