How to keep your New Year’s Resolution: Own it

Suhmayah Banda
3 min readJan 7, 2019


Do you ever worry about what change will do for your reputation?

It’s January! The new year is here and resolutions are in full effect. Last year was a particularly successful year for me. Amongst other resolutions I managed to keep, I finally published my first (three) children’s books. I’m trying to build on that momentum and make this year even better so I’ve put together a resolution survival guide.

Most resolutions involve change. It could mean doing something you’ve never done before; taking up a new hobby or it could be taking things to the next level; like putting yourself forward for a promotion or signing up for your first marathon.

Change can be daunting, even when it’s a positive change. However a lot of the time the scariest aspect is redefining ourselves after the commitment to the change.

If your objective is to get a promotion at work you could be confident in your ability to do the job at a higher level but you may worry about how this new position would effect your relationship with your peers.

For the last decade I’ve been known professionally as a Software Developer. Most of the people I interact with on a daily basis, professionally and socially, have no idea about my passion for writing.

When I decided to publish a series of children’s books I was genuinely worried about what people would think of this “sudden” interest in writing.

I wondered if I would be taken less seriously at work if people knew I was writing children’s books… After all, if I was going to write anything it should be something technical… I wondered if they would be supportive of my reasons…

I could go on about the doubts and insecurities — and I’m a confident, thick skinned kinda guy — but the long and short of it is that they were crippling.

What’s really crazy is that they had nothing to do with the books I was writing. I wasn’t at all worried that they wouldn’t be well received by anybody who read them. It was all a matter of imposter syndrome. Who am I to call myself a children’s author? What experience do I have to qualify me as such?

So how did I overcome the insecurity?

Just like they did with the books in question, my children inspired me.

Firstly, I decided to own the change.

I’d never been a dad before my first child was born but I’ve been a dad ever since (and you can’t tell me nothing about that). A new dad is still a dad; a new author is still an author.

As a software developer I am always prepared to demonstrate my competence. I don’t need to be the best/fastest coder in the room but I always know what I am bringing to the table and am able to communicate that.

Knowing my strengths and weaknesses in the profession made me feel more comfortable talking about them and as a result, myself as an author.

Secondly, I found a support framework; Programmers have StackOverflow, new parents have the NCT… No matter what you’re trying to do you are unlikely to be alone or the first to try it.

There was a moment when I wondered if my reasons for wanting to write were unfounded but a simple search reassured me that my efforts would not be in vain.

Lastly, I accepted the fact that some people may not be supportive and I would just have to deal with it. To quote a fellow author,

“Some people are friends for a reason, some for a season and others for a lifetime.”

So on that note, I’m going to own my new profession.

I’m Suhmayah Banda and I’m a children’s book author. I write to promote diversity in children’s literature for my kids and others. My first series, The Adventures of Tancho and Charlie, is available on Amazon now.

