ShitCoinClassic Brown Papers + Roadmap

ShitCoin Classic
8 min readAug 12, 2018


I. History behind memes and meme coins

II. Impact of ETH based meme coins

III. What is ShitCoinClassic (SCC)

IV. Getting ShitCoinClassic

V. Storing ShitCoinClassic

VI. Using ShitCoinClassic

VII. Tipping ShitCoinClassic

VIII. The value of ShitCoinClassic

IX. ShitCoinClassic Roadmap

I. History behind memes and meme coins.

Internet meme:

An Internet meme (/miːm/ MEEM) is an activity, concept, catchphrase, or piece of media that spreads, often as mimicry or for humorous purposes, from person to person via the Internet. An Internet meme may take the form of an image, video, website, or hashtag. It may be just a word or phrase, sometimes including an intentional misspelling. These small movements tend to spread from person to person via social networks, blogs, direct email, or news sources.

They may relate to various existing Internet cultures or subcultures, often created or spread on various websites. Fads and sensations tend to grow rapidly on the Internet because the instant communication facilitates word-of-mouth transmission.

(Wikiepedia, “Internet meme”. 2018)

Meme coins:

Meme coins are alternative cryptocurrencies available to investors, often inspired by humorous images or concepts. These meme coins reflect the birth and nature of cryptocurrency, by which both have their origins on the internet and continue to relate to various cultures on the internet.

Meme coins have been popular among users of cryptocurrency (see Dogecoin, Memetic, Nyancoin, NorrisCoin, CoinyeWest, CraftCoin). Some coins, such as Dogecoin, have even reached heights of USD$2b in market cap! These meme coins don’t necessarily require a use case, as other alternative cryptocurrencies do, due to their use case primarily being humor and meme-ability. The internet and the origin of the coin often being a popular cultural reference inherently gives meme coins use, based on how strong the reference to the original meme may be.

II. Impact of ETH based meme coins.

Meme coins have existed since the early days of cryptocurrency. Most have ceased to exist, some reached a stable value and plateaued, one became a major cryptocurrency with enormous valuations. Meme coins, whether you love them or hate them, have had a large impact on the Ethereum network by assisting everyday users of the internet an easy access way into cryptocurrency.

Users of the internet, who may not have heard about cryptocurrency, may not recognize what a “TRX” coin or a “BTC” coin really is. They may have heard about it, but as to its use and the acquiring of said coins, they may not be able to relate. Meme coins bridge this gap. By being the perfect cross between traditional cryptocurrency and pop culture interne meme, they allow beginner users of cryptocurrency a way to relate and a way of utilizing something familiar.

This access to cryptocurrency then allows the beginner cryptocurrency user, the ability to trade their acquired meme coin for a currency of value (e.g. TRX, ETH, BTC), leading to adoption and education as to the vast usage and versatility of cryptocurrency in general.

III. History behind ShitCoinClassic (SCC).

ShitCoinClassic’s logo and coin design originates from the popular “pile of poop” emoji. The “pile of poop” emoji was originally introduced in 2010 as a literal pile of shit with flies buzzing around it. Many people found this emoji vulgar in look however, and so the creators of the emoji has to reinvent it. The reinvention of the emoji was originally supposed to resemble a happy swirl of chocolate soft serve, but many used it in a poop context, thus it become well known worldwide as the poop emoji. Swiftkey reported the poop emoji was the most used emoji in USA, Canada, Australia and the United Kingodim in 2014 and 2015. Its usage remains popular today.

Inspiration for ShitCoinClassic came during the initial few months of the Tron blockchain. Initially on the Tron blockchain, tokens were roughly USD$30 to create and there was no regulation. Due to the ease of creation and the low cost barrier, most of the tokens created… were crap. A lot had no use case and would never have a use case. These tokens were referred to as “shitcoins” on all Tron social media channels. ShitCoinClassic was born from the idea that a shitcoin, doesn’t have to be a shitcoin. A shitcoin can have a use and can be valuable.

The poop part of the logo is a throwback to the shitcoin reference for tokens with no value. The Ethereum classic logo in the background is a throwback to all the meme coins developed on the Ethereum blockchain that made a name for themselves, most notably Dogecoin. The ring of stars encircling the logo symbolises a united, harmonious Tron community, coming together to create a decentralised web for all internet users.

IV. Getting ShitCoinClassic (SCC).

There are currently 4 ways to receive ShitCoinClassic:

- There will be an ICO on Telegram ( or @SCClassic_Official) on late August 2018 (will be announced closer to the time) at a rate of 1 TRX per 15 SCC. There will only be 150,000 SCC for sale during the ICO. There will be a minimum purchase of 30 SCC (2TRX) and maximum purchase of 990 SCC (66 TRX) per person. It will be sold on a first in, first serve basis. Once the 150,000 maximum is sold, there will be no more for sale during the Telegram ICO. Any unsold tokens will be burned forever.

- There is a limited quantity for purchase on Tronscan at a rate of 15 TRX per 1 SCC. This is a premium price because after the ICO of SCC, all unsold tokens will be burned. This will be the only method of direct purchase of SCC post ICO.

- You can purchase SCC from other members of the Tron Community, via the Tron Trades channel on Telegram. The price will vary as to what market price is currently, and ShitCoinClassic administrators have no control over how much these tokens will go for on the open market.

- You will be able to receive ShitCoinClassic as a random drop, in a random quantity from TronLoot rewards.

- In the future SCC will be purchasable via microtransaction in-game/in-dApp with future developmental partnerships

V. Storing ShitCoinClassic (SCC).

ShitCoinClassic can be stored in any TRX wallet, as it is a standard TRC-20 token on the Tron Blockchain.

Tron wallets can be created on You will be given the option to create your password and save your keystore file. This is the safest way to access your funds and ensure the security of your tokens. You will also be given the option to save a private key. This is your emergency access key, only use it if your keystore or password fails to log you in. Once you’ve used your Private Key, it’s best to create a whole new wallet to store your funds.

If you were given ShitCoinClassic on Telegram, you will have a Tron wallet created for you. Message the @GoSeedit bot to receive your public address and Private key. You will see your ShitCoinClassic and any other token in the balance section.

VI. Using ShitCoinClassic (SCC).

ShitCoinClassic will be a utility token on the Tron Blockchain. Various uses exist currently, with more partnerships and other use cases yet to be announced. This whitepaper will be updated as more utility is added to ShitCoinClassic.

- Has the most meme-ability of any token on the Tron blockchain currently, especially when used in conjunction with the ShitCoinClassic sticker pack.

- ShitCoinClassic will be used in the public space and tipped to people who have not experienced Tron before. It will be an introductory token giving them a Tron wallet address, while also being a familiar icon or pop cultural reference. Once they have a Tron wallet, they will be able to log into Tronscan. This will aid public adoption of Tron.

- You will be able to use ShitCoinClassic to pay for Goods and Services by using the @GoSeedit bot and the /tip command.

- ShitCoinClassic is planning on partnering with game developers, eventually having the token utilised within a game environment. The goal of SCC will be to give players access to premium in-game content, only accessible utilizing ShitCoinClassic

- ShitCoinClassic will endeavour to be incorporated into social media dApps developed on the Tron network, as a method of microtransaction. More details will be discussed with partnerships with developers.

VII. Tipping ShitCoinClassic (SCC).

Tipping can be done via @GoSeedit bot on Telegram. Tipping can be done on any channel with Seedit as a member.

- You will first need to reply to the person you wish to tip.

- Type into the chat box “/tip [amount] ShitCoinClassic

- This will automatically tip ShitCoinClassic to the designated person.

If you hold ShitCoinClassic in your tipping wallet and you want to send it to your main Tronscan wallet, you can do this easily without needing to log into multiple different wallets. This can be done via the “/send” command in any channel containing Seedit.

/send [destination wallet address] [amount] ShitCoinClassic

VIII. The value of ShitCoinClassic (SCC).

ShitCoinClassic is the first token on the Tron network of its kind, and it occupies a niche market. Many other “shitcoins” have been created and are actively used on the Tron network, but these tokens were made in the billions and have no plans for usage or partnerships.

This is where ShitCoinClassic differs. ShitCoinClassic is the first “shitcoin” to actively seek partnerships and establish a paper containing a roadmap. This already establishes ShitCoinClassic as the only “shitcoin” with some aspect of inherent value.

Other value of ShitCoinClassic is instilled through it’s limited supply. There was only 1,000,000 SCC created and this is all that will ever exist. As more utility gets added to SCC (such as implementation into games, utilization on social dApps etc) there will be no new SCC created. The only way this coin will be obtainable will be via the open market, through random TronLoot drops and by purchasing directly through the in-game/in-dApp microtransaction.

IX. ShitCoinClassic (SCC) Roadmap.

July 2018

Ø Pre-ICO sales

Ø Early investors and partnerships

Mid — August 2018

Ø Release of Brown paper

Late — August 2018

Ø Announcement of first partnership

Ø ICO sale on Telegram

October — December 2018

Ø Listing on first DEX on Tron network (if available)

Ø More partnerships

Ø Social media materials and promotion

Full Year 2019

Ø Continue social media promotion

Ø Integrate SCC into dApp games

Ø SCC merchandise for sale

IX. ShitCoinClassic (SCC) Roadmap cont.

Roadmap on previous page is a rough guide to the path SCC would like to take. It is subject to change as developments unfold and partnerships are negotiated.

Due to how young the Tron Blockchain is in, the limited use case of most the tokens on the Tron network currently and the lack of DEX exchanges and/or dApps available, a longer prospective roadmap is difficult to establish.

Early in 2019 SCC will unveil an updated and longer term roadmap.

