Say “YES” to simplicity.

Hiral Agarwal
4 min readSep 8, 2020

Practising sustainability is difficult but accomplishable. It is often tedious to keep track of what’s sustainable and what harms mother nature. Therefore, to help everybody live not only sustainable but also maintain life with joy, great well-being and stable mental health, here are the 9 R’s of sustainability. This process will help us attain a zero-waste community. I know you must be thinking, “Isn’t it 3 R’s of sustainability- Reuse, Reduce and Recycle?”, it’s so much more than that.

Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Re-gift, Repair, Rent, Recycle & Rot.
  1. Rethink
    Rethink means to reassess your actions and their consequences. Not only how it will affect the environment, but also your health. Think about the significance of your actions and how it will create change if you go against it. Think about all the waste you are creating and what you want to do about the same. When you have a basic understanding of this step, you will come to the next step, Refuse.

2. Refuse
While rethinking, we get to know what we want to change in our lives, but we lack the understanding of ‘how’ we want to change that. Refuse is the step which will lead you closer to living a sustainable and maintained life. Refuse items which you don’t need in your everyday lifestyle. Whether it is toxic people or excess plastic, refuse them to enter your life. Start researching about different alternatives to change your consumption pattern and lead a more healthy and guilt-free life.

3. Reduce
You all must be familiar with Reduce. Here, try to reduce waste to the greatest extent. Say no to a very luxurious and complicated life, and focus on well-being and leading a simple life. Try to live like Phoebe Buffay, if you know what I mean!

4. Reuse
Rather than consuming single-use products, buy products which stay in the long-run. Think of a creative solution, where you can reuse products in a different form. For example, we can use copper bottles instead of plastic ones. As the waste generated by plastic bottles, not only affects but also changes the lifestyle of stray animals and ocean life.

5. Re-gift
This process may seem to step on your toes, but we can always re-gift an article which is of no advantage to us. The purpose of a gift is to please both the giver and the receiver, but that doesn’t imply it will also serve the purpose of usefulness. If you are not comfortable regifting, donate it to shelters, old-age sanitariums, etc.

6. Repair
Why buy new things, if you can easily repair them at home? Watch DIY videos to gain knowledge about repairing and reusing the same item. This step will immensely help to reduce mass production which results in a horrendous amount of waste created by the manufacturers. On the other hand, you will learn different hacks for future benefit.

7. Rent
Why waste your hard-earned money on certain goods, when you can easily rent them? Think about the items which are of single-use, therefore, instead of purchasing it, rent it. In this way, it will help reduce carbon footprint and also promote local businesses.

8. Recycle
Instead of throwing out unwanted products, use recycling bins near your towns for up-gradation and exciting stuff. This process is the best technique to achieve a zero-waste community. Many countries are implementing the Green economy to reduce the wastage of goods.

9. Rot
All this is fine, but what about perishable and decaying goods? How can we reduce their wastage? I got you all! Use the method of composting. It’s very simple and can easily be planned out in the comforts of your lovely home. All you ought to do is take the initiative to become a better human being and everything else will fit in place.

If you succeed in following the 9 R’s of sustainability, you will not only accomplish the zero-waste community but also improve your lifestyle by making it more manageable and lively.

