Why Is Skin Care So Important?

Joana Smith
3 min readJul 17, 2019


As you might have been told during biology lessons in school, the skin is the biggest organ in our bodies. It has the main role of protecting us against external risks, it’s a barrier against microbes, prevents them from reaching our bloodstream or internal organs. Also, it keeps body temperature at an optimal level through sweat. The best thing we can do to show gratefulness is to give it the care it needs every single day.

A pyramid of stones

Reasons to Have a Skin Care Routine

Why do you need to have a daily skincare routine? Well, that’s because you shed skin cells every day. If you used a lotion today, and that layer of tissue on which you’ve applied it is gone tomorrow, you’re going to have to do it all over again, and so on. Keep this process constant, keep up with skin cell renewal.

We all want to look good, and our skin is such an obvious part of our appearance. If you don’t care for it, it might start looking dry, wrinkly, lose elasticity and sag in all the unwanted places. Of course, you’ll age at some point, but it’s important how you do it. The way you treat your skin today will reflect on it, years from now.

On the same note, it’s easier to prevent than to treat. Why wait until you get acne to start worrying about it? We don’t mean you should start panicking now, but using a cleanser twice a day could save you more trouble later. Once you’ve reached the point of having rashes, eczema, or other diseases and infections, it’ll be harder to get rid of them.

Prevention can actually save money spent on expensive treatments. If you develop the right skin care habits now, you might not visit a dermatologist as often. Start using anti-aging creams now, and you won’t need a surgical intervention 20 years later.

Skin health pairs well with other beneficial habits, including those related to mental health. When you look in the mirror and have good thoughts about yourself and your looks, it will most likely give you a confidence boost. That has to be worth it!

Ways to Optimize Your Skin Care Routine

What can you actually do on a day-to-day basis in order to feel better and healthier when it comes to your skin? Building a simple routine doesn’t take that much time, and it’ll prove to be effective in no time.

This was already mentioned, but cleansing is a key factor for your skin’s well-being. It’s something that only takes a few minutes and should be done twice a day. Makeup, sweat, pollutants ought to be removed, in order to let the skin breathe.

Also, skin gets dried out during the day because of dust, the sun, and not making time to drink enough water. To help out, use a moisturizer. All skin types are different, so you should adapt your product choice to that. For instance, if your skin is really dry, an oily cream is fine. Otherwise, use something lighter, refreshing. Skip the artificial fragrances altogether.

Apply sunscreen whenever you intend to work, relax, or spend time outside for longer. It’s easy to get sunburns, irritation, flaky skin, and the worst case scenario is even skin cancer. Not right now, but prolonged exposure over the years increases the odds for it.

For your entire routine, try to use natural, plant-based products as much as you can. Don’t take something off the shelves without checking the ingredients list first. One good option is the anti-aging line developed by Neora.

Skincare comes from the inside as well. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated, eat fruits, vegetables, and fish. Kick smoking out of your life and reduce alcohol intake as they both do the opposite of what water does.

It’s true, taking good care of your skin through a routine doesn’t trigger results you’ll see overnight. This is a long-term process. You’ll notice its benefits 30 years from now when you might look much younger or older than your friends. The choice on which one of those is going to be is up to you



Joana Smith

I am a blogger in skin care industry. Write brands products reviews. Brand-partner at Neora company.