Dr. S Manojnya
3 min readJul 30, 2020


Life in COVID-19 pandemic has been and is becoming a challenge to people of all age groups and of all categories. Lifestyle has taken a complete U-turn. Infact, if we dive deeper into the present situation, I would like to stress upon the working age group, especially YOUTH. A demanding “work from home” situation, balancing a family if married, taking up new responsibilities which have been never taken or dreamt of taking. All these are really making a chaos in the life of present youth. I, with the experiences or maybe listening to my friends or maybe the situations I came across, would like to suggest key weapons to fight against this battle, Adjustment and Acceptance.

We all know that this situation is completely unexpected. We may at this point of time be living together along with either our spouse who is also working, or may be living with our in-laws throughout the day, or maybe our baby care taker hasn’t turned up and we need to balance the baby along with our work and responsibilities. Now, ADJUSTMENT will come into role play with its younger sibling ACCEPTANCE.

Giving priority to the situation which demand our presence. If we are having our in-laws in the house and our spouse is also at the so called “work from home” situation, completing the needs and responsibilities of these will be of priority. Accordingly adjusting adjusting our schedule to the best we can. But one thing I would like to emphasise is that there will be a lot of turbulence in the home or at the work due to responsibilities, but if we can ACCEPT the situation as it is and trying to maintain the internal balance will bring about a cheerful and happy atmosphere around us.

One may doubt as to how can we develop such a positive attitude and balance in our life in between these turbulences????

  1. Maintaing a discipline in the lifestyle. Waking up early in the morning , completing our duties in time and satisfying the needs of our dependents on time will automatically bring discipline.
  2. A healthy lifestyle. During this present situation, I feel healthy practices like YOGA AND MEDITATION will bring an inner calmness. This will automatically allow us to adjust and accept the situations as they are, because we will try to maintain and try not to disturb this pleasantness of the mind.[ I have been practicing HEARTFULNESS MEDITATION SINCE 6 YEARS and this practice has helped me a lot in combating my stress in my dental graduation. I am still practicing and I could see the effects very beautifully even in this pandemic moments.]
  3. An Open-hearted and Open-mindedness. As we are developing these two, that means our 2 weapons as mentioned above are already with us in our stock! [ I recommend all to try this, it works!!;-)]
  4. A Joyful heart.
  5. Listening comes first than Speaking!!!!
  6. Breaking boundaries of habits like Alcohol,Smoking and Drugs.

So, this is what I would like to share with you all, my friends!! If you like my article, kindly like and share!!

If you want any other topics that you want me to write on, kindly comment!!:-)



Dr. S Manojnya

Professional dentist, interested in sharing views regarding different aspects in which I am interested!!!!