Nameera Fatima
7 min readSep 2, 2021

5 Best Inspirational Books That Can Change Your Life

september 02 2021

In this blog you will come to know

Why reading motivational books is necessary?

Motivational books teach us how to fix the deal when it comes to relationships and people. From developing a better understanding of people and why they do so, to being able to forgive, motivational books equip you to have lasting and meaningful relationships.

How do books inspire us?

Reading different books gives us new ways to think and new ideas and they change our perspective of thinking, Books also develop critical thinking skills.

5 Best inspirational books that can change your life

By Nameera Fatima

Reading books always help you to stay motivated stay connected to people and to learn a different lesson from everyone’s life, you must have to read at least these 5 books if you want to change your life because every book reveals something different something motivational, everyone has their own choices, but I only love to read motivational books.

These are my Top 5 favorite motivational books are as follows.

1. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn

This book has been written by John Maxwell in 2013, In this book, the writer wants to tell that not every time you just always win, said ‘’ We want success, but we should instead train for losses’’

In this book, he mainly focused on these points

- Approach your challenges as an opportunity to learn

- Move past the mistake trap

- Move past regret and losses

~ Let them go emotionally

~ Remain positive by feeding positive thoughts to your mind

~ Learn how to evaluate yourself ( Start and end with positivity )

~ Change the way you look at losses ( As a learning opportunity)

I hope if you ever feel demotivated this is one of the best books that you have to read.

2. The Power of Habit, why we do what we do and how to change

This book has been written by Charles Duhigg in 2012

This is one of the great books I will believe that people should have to read this book to change their habits it explains perfectly that how our habits are backed by science, research, and real-life stories. Besides, the book provided practical strategies and methods to apply the changes on the individual, organization, and societal levels.

The main theme of the book is

The process with our brain is a three-step loop

- First, there is a cue ( a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which the habit to use)

- Then there is the routine ( which can be physically or mentally or emotionally)

- Reward (which helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future

Cue — routine — reward

How to create new habits

1. Find a simple obvious cue

2. Clearly define the rewards

Once you have figured out your habit loop you have identified the reward driving your behavior the cue triggering it, and the routine itself- you can begin to shift the behavior you can change to be a better routine by planning for the cue and choosing a behavior that delivers the reward you are craving, what you need is a PLAN

When I see CUE, I will do ROUTINE to get REWARD


3.7 habits of very highly effective people

This book has been written by Stephen R.Covey in 1989

In this book, the author described 7 habits that must be found in highly effective people

These are as following


Focus and act on what they can control and influence, instead of what you can’t


Define clear measures of success and a plan to achieve them


Prioritize and achieve their most important goals, instead of constantly reaching to urgencies


Collaborate more effectively by building high-trust relationships.


Influence others by developing a deep understanding of their needs and perspectives.


Develop innovative solutions that leverage diversity and satisfy all key stakeholders.


Increase motivation, energy, and work/life balance by making time for renewing activities.


This book has been written by Mel Robbins in 2017

In this book, the author talks about how to use the five-second rule, he said

The moment you have the instinct to act on a goal you must count down 5–4–3–2–1 and physically move or your brain will stop you.

Using this rule is simple, whenever you want any commitment or the moment you feel hesitation by doing anything you should use this rule.

You just have to start counting backward to yourself 5–4–3–2–1 the counting will help you to focus on your goals or any commitment and to distract you from all the worries and thoughts and any kind of fear in your mind, as soon as you reach on ‘’1’’ just move, that’s it.

By this, you can do anything like

- Speaking in a meeting

- Staying positive

- Making a decision

- Asking for feedback

- Saying ‘’no’’

- Admitting you are wrong

- Publishing your work

Over time, as you repeat the rule you can destroy the system altogether.

Here are few examples you can use a five-second action habit to overwrite a bad habit

- If you have a habit of getting angry at people, notice the anger and then silently say 5–4–3–2–1 and think of three people you’re grateful for.

- If you have a habit of getting nervous before a performance, notice your anxiety and silently say to yourself 5–4–3–2–1… ‘’I’m excited’’

‘’ you can’t control how you feel, but you can always choose how you act’’

5. The power of positive thinking

This book has been written by Norman Vincent Peale in 1952

In this book the author suggests some techniques and gives examples which tell that you don’t need to defeat everyday problems, this book tells that you can have peace of mind, improved health, and a never-ceasing flow of energy.

Here are 3 lessons to help you think more positively:

  1. Start with confidence and watch your problems shrink.
  2. Your world is nothing more than the thoughts you have about your experiences.

3. To live worry-free, first, imagine a worry-free life.

Here are few lessons from the book

1. Believe in yourself and visualize your goals to see how small your problems are

The most important thing is you believe in yourself, self-belief is very important as it is the first step to do something towards your goals, once you believe in yourself you are halfway there, then just see what your goals are and how you can do that what things are required to do so and just keep thinking about that what you want to do.

2. Your attitude determines your entire life

‘’ Your world is nothing more than the thoughts you have about your experience’’

Of course, all problems of your life are real. And yes, some of them might take some time like debt or any serious illness that might take years to solve, but the point is how you react to those problems that are totally up to you might not be able to solve those problems by a push button, but you can change from one second to the next.

3. Imagine your life free of worry to become less concerned about the future

Imagining that it is possible to you to live without worry will take a lot of current worries away.

Just close your eyes look into the future and imagine yourself a few months or years back from now, living free from all the worries that currently plague you and you will feel much better when you open your eyes again.

Peale calls this draining your mind and it’s especially helpful before going to sleep, because then positive thoughts will sink into your subconscious, instead of negative thoughts.