Sweeney The Service Dog

Sarah Persov
2 min readNov 4, 2019

Sweeney is a Diabetic Alert Dog. I am a Type 1 Diabetic, and have been since I was 18 months old. Sweeney started his training to be my service dog at 3 months old, although he was personally picked for me at 9 weeks old:

My partner and I, with the help of a trainer, were able to train Sweeney to detect changes in my sweat and saliva. These changes correspond to changes in my blood sugar levels. If my blood sugars go too high or low it can be very dangerous for me. Sweeney lets me know before that happens!

Before I had Sweeney, I had to check my blood sugar every 1.5 to 2 hours during the night. This impacted all areas of my life, as I was essentially always tired. However, now Sweeney sleeps in bed with us, and lets us know when things aren’t ok:

Sweeney accompanies me everywhere I go, to ensure that I am healthy, and that I don’t have to be so focused on my diabetes, but rather on my job as a Software Engineer. Luckily, I work at ASOS.com and they are fantastic with Sweeney:

Spreading awareness about service dogs, and diabetic alert dogs in particular, is something that is incredibly important to me. Through ASOS I have been able to help spread awareness in many ways. One such way was by meeting Ovie from Love Island 2019 and sharing a photo of us on social media:

If Sweeney has his vest on then people who are not his handler (i.e. me or my partner) are unable to interact with him. This is because when he is ‘working’ his entire focus has to be on me. By interacting with him, including speaking to him and petting him, you are taking that focus off me, and potentially causing him to miss a vital alert.

I always try to make sure that Sweeney gets play time. He needs to be able to let off steam and run around. Play time is in the park, and when he does not have his vest on:

Sweeney is truly a life changing doggo, and allows me to be myself to the max. He is my best friend and guardian angel, and is there through every step of my life. If you want to see more about him, please go to https://www.instagram.com/sweeneytheservicedog/

