How to save the position of icons on the desktop?

Positioner ✨ Save, restore and manage your desktop icons

4 min readJun 18, 2023
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If you have a lot of icons on your desktop, then you have clearly faced the problem of arranging them. And after all, you want to have not only order, but beauty on your desktop. And for this you need to arrange all the icons in their places.

Has it ever happened that you arranged all the icons in a beautiful order, or grouped them in a sense, but the next time you start the system, your icons were moved by the quantum wind all over the desktop?

Or maybe you want to have several icon layouts for different tasks?

Positioner is a completely free Open Source solution that will help you solve tasks like this! 🔮

Positioner app presentation
Demonstration of the Positioner(Desktop recording)

Purus et ordo sunt viae ad harmoniam mentis et concordiam vitae

Cleanliness and order are the ways to harmony of mind and harmony of life

🎆Take control over your Desktop!

This section contains an overview of the Positioner.
But you can go straight to the installation.

Main Features:

  • Save/restore desktop snapshots
  • Restoring from a snapshot at system startup
  • Quick slots for activating snapshots
  • Button to quickly hide\show icons
  • Save full desktop state (including flags)
  • Setting desktop flags (and also hidden flags)
    - Hide filenames
    - One click activation
    - And others
  • Manage all snapshots taken
    - Renaming
    - Attaching to quick slot
    - Adding\Deleting

How to use?

In order to save the current state of the desktop, press the button located under the button to activate the slot.

Once you have several different snapshots attached to different slots, you can switch between them.

You can also toggle hidden (and regular) Windows desktop flags.

For example, you can disable the display of icon names. In this form, icons take up less space (see GIF).

All snapshots taken are saved(when you overwrite a slot, the old snapshot is not deleted).

They can be viewed and edited in the “Snapshots” menu. Here you can:

  • Add/Remove/Activate Snapshot
  • Change the name of the snapshot (click on the name and enter a new one)
  • Attach a snapshot to a slot (select the desired snapshot and click on one of the buttons under “Attached to”)

There is also a button to quickly hide all icons.

⚠ If this is your first time launching Positioner, take a snapshot of your desktop before clicking this button.
A bug was noticed when, after the first launch of the application, Windows does not correctly perceive the change of positions and can mix them up.

💻 User Interface Explanation

Main window

👁‍🗨 In the settings window, you can configure the restoration from a snapshot at system startup

💿 Step-By-Step Installation

Positioner have only one major requirement: ® Windows 7+ 64-bit version

In this case you should download - [positioner_installer_x64.exe]
  • Run the installer:
  • Choose a location for installation and continue installation until the end (by clicking the “Next” button)
  • Congratulations! Now you can use Positioner!

💖 To support the project, click on the Star⭐ in the upper right corner on the repository page.

If that’s not enough for you, subscribe to my Patreon😉

🔗 Summary and Links

Although Positioner is still at the alpha stage of development, it already has full functionality.

The only limitation is working in single-threaded mode. Because of this, you may notice the GUI freezing (for +-1 sec) while changing the positions of the icons. You can see it on all the GIFs in this article. It is almost invisible to the user. This is done in order to facilitate debugging, and will last until the beta version.

⭐ If you have any problems or suggestion, feel free to open issue on the official repository page

Official page:

Latest release:

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