Microsoft SQL Server to RCE

S12 - H4CK
4 min readNov 3, 2022



Welcome to this new article, today I am going to show you how to go from a MSSQL (Microsoft SQL Server) shell, to execute commands on the victim machine.
To do this we will use a property and a feature from MSSQL database called xp_cmdshell.

Also, it is a more important attack than it seems, this attack can not only be executed being in a MSSQL shell because as it is logical, if you can manage to inject SQL commands (SQL Injection) you can also execute commands from the SQLI.

To make this attack we will use a HacktTheBox machine called Scrambled, this is a machine where Active Directory and many common issues and services in Windows machines are played, I highly recommend this machine, personally it is one of the most fun I have had doing it.


The lab used is logically the HackTheBox machine, but I have also used a web site that has helped me to solve some permissions errors that I have found.

This are the things used:


Perfect, it’s time to start with this attack, to begin I tell you the current situation in which I find myself, I have a Microsoft SQL shell, which would be this:

Now it is time to execute the first SQL command to try to get commands executed on the local machine, as I said in the introduction, we are going to try to do it with xp_cmdshell


xp_cmdshell "whoami"

Perfect, by bad luck, it has not worked in the first attempt, if we read the error it seems that permissions are missing, but I have entered the MSSQL shell as Administrator, so it is time to try two configuration changes to try to execute the two commands.

SP_CONFIGURE "show advanced options", 1RECONFIGURE

Let’s try other time now:

I am getting the same error as before, to solve this there is only one option left:

SP_CONFIGURE "xp_cmdshell", 1



It is time to finish this article, I think it is a very good article, and it will also help you when you have to attack a MSSQL server, I hope you liked it and if you have any questions you can comment or send me a message with Gmail.

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Thanks to read this :)


