Understanding Heat Rash: Symptoms and Treatment

4 days ago


Heat rash typically manifests as small red bumps or blisters on the skin, often accompanied by itching and a prickling sensation. While it’s not usually serious, it can be uncomfortable and bothersome.

Check out this list of the symptoms, causes, and effective treatments for heat rash –

Symptoms of Heat Rash

Heat rash mainly affects areas of the body where sweat becomes trapped beneath the skin’s surface. Some of its common symptoms include –

  1. Red Bumps or Blisters — These can appear on the neck, chest, back, groin, or in skin folds.
  2. Itching — The affected area may feel itchy or prickly, prompting scratching that can worsen irritation.
  3. Prickling Sensation — Many describe a sensation of pins and needles or a prickling feeling on the skin.

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