What does RDBMS stand for and explain in brief


2 min readMay 23, 2024


RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System.

RDBMS is the basis of SQL and modern DBMS systems (For example, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft Access).

In RDBMS, data is stored through organized formats, which are called tables in the database.

Tabular data is a form of structured data and a table is a compilation of records where information is exhibited in horizontal form of rows and vertical form of columns.

Look at the “Customers” table:Look at the “Customers” table:

SQL Statement:

SELECT * FROM Customers;

Each table is divided into subjects known as fields and every field is further divided into categories.

Most of the fields in the Customers table encompass CustomerID, CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode and Country.

A field is an attribute of table data structure that is intended for storing some information specific to every record of the table.

A record, also known as a row, refers to an individual entry in a table that adheres to its specified format.

For instance, there are ninety-one records in the Customers table above.

A record is a row of a table and also a horizontal entity within such a table.

A column on the other hand is a vertical structure in a table and all information that may be related to a particular field in the table is contained in that column.

