What is XML Simplifies Things?



XML simplifies data sharing

XML simplifies data transport

XML simplifies platform changes

XML simplifies data availability

There are many computer systems with data in various forms for example data presentation.

Web designers have to get through the process of migrating or converting the information from one platform to the other incase the information is not compatible with the website or the system.

It is noticed that most of the data is processed one way or another while on the other hand some is not useful.

XML is adopted because it works for transferring information from one place to the other without the need for encoding.

This offers data with a meaningful way of storing, moving and exchanging it over platforms in a meaningful way.

One more benefit of XML is that it makes switching to a new OS or new applications/programs or browsers much easier and does not require any hard intervention with the data.

This is where the idea of using XML to allow applications to expose the data in raw text and also enable applications such as reading machines such as people, computers and voice machines and news feeds.

Thanks for reading!


