Why we are developing sKCS.io?

4 min readAug 1, 2022


The KCC blockchain recently upgraded its mainnet and announced its rules and policies for node staking. This is great news for KCS holders. Compared to the annualized 2% yield of KCS bonuses on the KuCoin platform, node staking is another option that provides an even higher yield. However, node staking also has certain limitations.

● One. Yield from KCC node staking usually can only reach around 3%, and reinvestment of earnings must be done manually, which can be relatively complex.

● Two. Node staking for voting reduces KCS liquidity, which places a certain degree of restrictions on KCS holders.

● Three. It is difficult for general users to find a safe and reliable node out of the large number of existing nodes to engage in staking and voting.

Due to the aforementioned limitations, there is a strong need for a smart contract on KCC that is able to intelligently select safe and reliable nodes, as well as provide high and stable yields.

Hence, sKCS.io was created. The benefits of sKCS do not end there. To enhance the security of the protocol, we will provide users who engage in staking with a certificate of staking, namely sKCS.

We have also reached cooperative agreements with various protocols on the KCC chain. Once launched, users in the KCC ecosystem will be able to obtain even more earnings using sKCS. There will be detailed descriptions of this in our announcements.

From a macro perspective, we are currently in a relatively long bear market. Therefore, both traditional financial investment strategies and holding on to crypto assets are resulting in continued losses.

The only way to obtain stable long-term profits in the current environment would be to hedge against risks through options and futures. However, the entry barrier for this type of investing is extremely high, making it less suitable for novice crypto investors. “We are committed to providing a stable and fully secure product that has a low entry barrier and is friendly to users,” says Duke, CEO of sKCS.

In light of this, our team decided to use KCS staking as a starting point for leading users into the world of Web3.0. In the following, we will explain which problems sKCS.io will solve through three points.

One. Strengthening decentralization and security on the KCC network

We understand that the greatest security advantage of a blockchain network is its decentralization. This means that no single entity on a blockchain network should be able to acquire substantial control over the network.

Compared to mature blockchain networks, KCC is currently in a relatively early stage. According to statistical data, as of the writing of this article ETH has a total of 417,726 validator nodes with a total of 13,166,709 $ETH staked, whereas KCC currently only has 12 nodes with a total of 130,567 $KCS staked.

Therefore, it urgently needs investors to increase the amount of KCS staked with nodes in order to increase node validation speed and further contribute to the security of the KCC network. However, it is extremely difficult for general investors in the DeFi space to select secure high-quality nodes.

sKCS provides a solution to this, assisting those committed to helping build the KCC network stake KCS on high-quality nodes through our smart contracts, which select the most worthy nodes to stake with for our users, thereby strengthening the security of the KCC network.

Two. Enriching the KCC Ecosystem

The KCC ecosystem is continually developing. Currently, the KCC ecosystem already has a symbolic DEX (MojitoSwap) as well as a leading lending platform (Torches), but it lacks a protocol capable of connecting the entire ecosystem that allows assets to be transferred across different products and generate compound interest effects.

As mentioned above, sKCS not only strengthens the security of the KCC network, but also interconnects the entire KCC ecosystem. This is because users who stake KCS get sKCS as a certificate of staking, and we have formed cooperative alliances with many projects on the KCC chain, with many high-profile products set to launch soon to enrich the KCC ecosystem. Our announcements also include examples on how to use sKCS in the KCC ecosystem.

Three. Leading users into the world of DeFi

The world is in a state of turmoil, with rumors of the fed raising rates extremely widespread. Although the purpose of rate hikes is to control economic bubbles, attract companies to move capital back into the country from overseas, and maintain steady prices of goods, conflicts between countries will drive up oil prices, which will in turn lead to further economic inflation.

If this continues, macro economic issues will inevitably bring about economic crises. In short, traditional capital markets are currently experiencing a storm. However, it is clear that in contrast to the traditional strategy of buying gold during economic turmoil, more and more investors are turning to cryptocurrencies.

It is only a matter of time before even more people understand the superior anti-inflation properties of cryptocurrencies. We are always thinking of ways to allow new users in the cryptocurrency space to understand the beauty of the DeFi world.

sKCS is well-poised for fulfilling this goal and will serve as a means of leading users into the world of DeFi. sKCS has a simple interface UI, strong security, as well as clear and simple usage procedures. Through sKCS users will fully experience the simplicity of DeFi.

We are excited that the sKCS.io smart contract has been successfully audited and deployed onto the mainnet. We have already completed small-scale internal testing, with internal testers all giving sKCS.io high marks, which even further boosts our confidence that this product will bring unparalleled value to our users.

You will be seeing us very soon. sKCS. Making KCS Even More Valuable!


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