XSS | Here’s how I got my first bounty

2 min readMay 9, 2024


Not so long ago, I was reading blogs like this, wondering how to find my first vulnerability in a bug bounty program and probably not thinking that I would get a bounty a little after.

But here we are, having made the decision to revisit a target that seemed initially too big to me as I was only a beginner, I found a reflected XSS vulnerability.

Was it hard to find? Not really. Did I get lucky? Maybe.

My main goal was to find an XSS, so I was searching for user inputs. I started testing the search bar by entering a random string in order to observe the behavior of the web app. Looking at the response in the Browser DevTools, I saw that my double quotes were not filtered, and I found a tag which looked like this :

So, I started trying to bypass it with a double quote in order to close the attribute :

It works, perfect.
Now, let’s exploit this vulnerability to get an XSS. The tag here is a div, so we can use the payload “onpointerover=”alert(‘XSS’)” in a way that the tag looks like this :

Yay, here’s our popup !

I was awarded with a $75 bounty for this one. Not a lot for a medium severity, but it brings motivation especially because it confirms to me that it’s still possible to find XSS vulnerabilities in bug bounty programs with over a hundred vulnerabilities already reported.

That’s it,

I really hope you enjoyed this blog and see you for a next one !

