This is how adults make email introductions

stacy-marie ishmael
1 min readAug 22, 2016


This is how you do an email introduction: 1) Ask both parties, in advance, if they are comfortable with the introduction (which includes making sure they know why it’s happening) and if the timing works for them 2) send an email to both parties once you’ve received that confirmation. Keep it short.

This is how you receive an email introduction, especially if you’re the person who asked for it to be made / are the primary beneficiary of the intro: 1) Reply as swiftly as connectivity allows 2) In that reply, thank the introducer while immediately moving said to BCC. 3) Double-check that you have, in fact, moved the person who made the introduction to BCC. 4) Don’t ask the person you’ve been introduced to “when would be good for you” to meet / chat / etc. Offer at least three clear and specific dates and times. Always offer to come to them, or to accommodate their timezone.

This post first appeared in the #awesomewomen newsletter.



stacy-marie ishmael

Trinidadian-at-large. Galavanteur. Live at the intersection of media and technology.