El Dorado

Saad Ahmad
5 min readApr 21, 2023


Lost City of Gold…

Legends are not baseless fabrications; rather, they hold an inherent truth at their core, setting them apart from fictional myths. They spring forth from actual historical incidents, notable figures, and authentic experiences that become engrained in our shared cultural heritage. As these tales are retold and passed down through the ages, they gather embellishments and nuances that can alter and enliven the original source, making these legends all the more captivating, resonant, and enjoyable.

• Origin of EL-Dorado…

Throughout history, people of various races and nationalities have been consumed by the temptation of gold. The mere possession of even a small quantity of this precious metal triggers an insatiable longing for more.

The fascinating beginnings of El Dorado are rooted in the very heart of South America. This legendary tale of Eldorado, a mythical tribal chief of the Muisca people, is often referred to as “The Golden Man” in Spanish. According to the myth, the ruler of an Indian town close to Bogotá would adorn his naked body with gold dust during festivals and then dive into Lake Guatavita to cleanse himself of the dust right after the ceremonies ended. The people of Eldorado would go to great lengths to please their ruler and to appease a god that lived underwater by tossing precious stones and golden objects into the lake.

The Spanish began referring to the golden chief as El Dorado, or “the gilded one,” and rumors swirled about a place of great wealth hidden away in the interior of the continent. Despite not finding El Dorado himself, the Spanish discovered Lake Guatavita and attempted to drain it in 1545, finding a wealth of gold along the lake’s edge. But the real treasure remained frustratingly out of reach, deep below the water’s surface.

A piece of gold that was found in Lake Guatavita. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

The lure of discovering El Dorado’s treasure continues to this day, as adventurous explorers yearn to uncover the riches hinted at in the legends of the golden chief.

• From an ancient ritual to a myth…

The legend of El Dorado has undergone various transformations throughout history, amalgamating tales of a city laden with gold coins and precious stones with those of a mythical lost city. This incredible legend has captivated the imagination of countless explorers for over two centuries! One of the earliest stories dates back to Juan Martinez, who claimed to have visited the city of Manoa on his deathbed. Despite facing death due to a disastrous gunpowder accident, Martinez managed to escape and met locals who guided him to the fabled city.

Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, Europeans were captivated by the idea of a hidden city overflowing with immense wealth in the New World. Despite numerous expeditions launched in search of this treasure, every attempt ended in failure. However, the situation got worse with the illustration of El Dorado’s supposed location on maps. This only served to corroborate the belief that the mythical city of El Dorado truly existed. Thankfully, the great explorer Alexander von Humboldt eventually disproved the existence of El Dorado during his remarkable Latin America expedition from 1799 to 1804.

Expeditions of El Dorado…

* Search By Gonzales Pizarro,

Gonzales Pizarro, a courageous Spanish conquistador, embarked on a treacherous journey in February 1541 to find the elusive land of the legendary King El Dorado. Pizarro, who was accompanied by a small army of conquistadors and thousands of native servants, faced numerous challenges along the way. Despite his best efforts, Pizarro’s quest for civilization proved to be a daunting and harrowing journey. Traversing through the darkness of the rainforest in the midst of the rainy season, Pizarro and his men were faced with unrelenting hardship, famine, and misery. Yet, Pizarro remained resolute and determined to fulfill his mission to discover the fabled land of El Dorado. Although accounts about the nature of El Dorado varied, Pizarro believed that he would find a lake, while others believed it would be a valley. Pizarro’s journey was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but his unwavering determination helped him stay on course. However, as the end of the year drew near, the situation turned dire. Every single one of the precious hogs had perished. In December of 1541, Francisco de Orellana, one of Pizarro’s men, bravely stepped forward to take the boat and fifty men in search of food for their expedition. He confidently assured Pizarro that he would swiftly return with provisions. Although he succeeded in securing provisions, Orellana chose not to return to his fellow men.

Pizarro did not tolerate the betrayal. With a heavy heart, he led his few remaining companions on a sluggish journey back to Quito. In their dire circumstances, they resorted to consuming their loyal beasts of burden and even their equipment. Through sheer determination, they managed to arrive in Quito by June.

* Other Search Expeditions,

The search for El Dorado consumed the minds of many explorers during the 16th century. Among them were the brave German conquistadors Nikolaus Federmann and Georg von Speyer, who tirelessly scoured the Venezuelan lowlands, Colombian plateaus, Orinoco Basin, and Llanos Orientales for any trace of the legendary Golden City. Not content with mere exploration, Philipp von Hutten led an intrepid party of horsemen on a dangerous quest from Coro on the coast of Venezuela. Despite being harassed by hostile natives, ravaged by hunger and disease, and engaged in a deadly battle with the Omaguas, Hutten and his followers never lost hope in their search. Even when Hutten was gravely wounded, he persevered, leading his surviving men back to Coro in 1546. It is a tragedy that such a valiant explorer, along with his companion Bartholomeus VI. Welser, met their end at the hands of the Spanish authorities in El Tocuyo.

Where is this remarkable lost city of gold…?

In 1849, Edgar Allan Poe wrote a poem titled ‘El Dorado’ . He gave us a hit about the whereabouts of this mystical city: “ Over the Mountains of the Moon, down the Valley of the Shadow,ride,boldly ride … if you seek for El Dorado.”

Map and background notes of El Dorado. Source: Flickr.



Saad Ahmad

A writer that constantly stirs up creative and unconventional ideas. With a thirst for knowledge, I'm always eager to gain new insights and explore new topics.