Empowering Young People for a Peaceful Future

Saad Al Amin
3 min readFeb 21, 2023


The world today faces numerous challenges such as conflict, inequality, and climate change. Young people have an important role to play in creating a peaceful future by working together, using creative ideas and approaches to address these challenges. In this essay, we will explore what a peaceful world looks like, the challenges young people face in realizing a peaceful future, and some strategies that can be used to empower them.

A Peaceful World: What does it Look Like?

A peaceful world is one where all individuals can coexist in harmony, with mutual respect for each other’s differences. In a peaceful world, individuals are free to express themselves without fear of persecution, and justice and equality are upheld. The environment is also protected, allowing future generations to enjoy its benefits. A peaceful world is free from conflict, violence, and discrimination, and there is a general feeling of safety and security.

Challenges to a Peaceful Future

Young people face several challenges in realizing a peaceful future. One major challenge is a lack of access to education and opportunities. Many young people, particularly in developing countries, lack access to quality education, which limits their ability to fully participate in society. Lack of access to opportunities also limits their ability to contribute to their communities and the world at large. This lack of access can lead to frustration, hopelessness, and even extremism, which can be a threat to peace.

Another challenge is conflict and violence. Young people are often the most vulnerable in times of conflict, as they are more likely to be displaced, recruited into armed groups, or subjected to violence. The exposure to violence can lead to trauma, which can have long-lasting effects on their mental health and well-being.

Finally, young people may face discrimination based on their gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. This discrimination can limit their ability to fully participate in society, leading to feelings of exclusion and marginalization. Discrimination can also lead to conflict and violence, which can undermine peace.

Empowering Young People

To create a peaceful future, it is essential to empower young people. This means providing them with the resources, opportunities, and support they need to participate fully in society. There are several strategies that can be used to empower young people:

1. Education for Peace: Education is one of the most powerful tools for empowering young people. It is essential to provide quality education that promotes peace, social justice, and sustainability. Education can provide young people with the skills and knowledge necessary to create a more peaceful world.

2. Youth Engagement: Young people must be included in decision-making processes that affect their lives. This includes political participation, community involvement, and opportunities for leadership. By engaging young people, we can ensure that their voices are heard and that their perspectives are considered.

3. Non-Violent Resistance: Young people can also use non-violent resistance techniques such as peaceful protests and civil disobedience to bring about social and political change. These tactics have been used successfully to bring about change in many contexts around the world.

4. Mentoring and Support: Mentoring and support programs can provide young people with the guidance and support they need to reach their full potential. By providing young people with positive role models and opportunities for growth, we can help them build confidence and resilience.

5. Advocacy and Awareness: Young people can use advocacy and awareness campaigns to raise awareness about issues that affect them and their communities. By working together and using social media platforms, they can amplify their voices and reach a wider audience.


Creating a peaceful world is an essential task, and young people have a critical role to play in this endeavor. By empowering young people, we can provide them with the resources, opportunities, and support they need to create a more peaceful and just world.



Saad Al Amin

I'm Saad Al Amin from Dhaka. I am an individual with a big dreamy mindset who wants to make the world a better place and also to live through significant works.