Angular Meetup Dhaka 2017

Saad Bin Amjad
3 min readNov 17, 2017


Angular Meetup Dhaka 2017, is a technology event intended to serve a platform for bringing together the Angular developers of Bangladesh. The one day event features Bangladesh’s leading Angular experts, active developers, and provides a scope for the community to share their Angular experiences.

The event took place on 11th November 2017. This meetup fits perfectly with the story line of global Angular community, which is that Angular community comprises of people with a mindset of making web development accessible, easier and faster for developers around the world.

AngularJS Bangladesh, arguably the largest and only group of Angular in Bangladesh initialized and coordinated this meetup. Monstar Lab Bangladesh Limited, who adopted Angular 2+ quite early in the local market, was the venue partner. TechMasters was also the sponsor of the event.

S.M Asad Rahman, CTO-Web, Monstar Lab Bangladesh Ltd, started the program by introducing the speakers to the audience. M A Hossain Tonu (Software Development Lead, Vantage Labs Dhaka) presented “Learn, before jump on Angular”, Foyzul Karim (Senior Software Engineer, Cefalo and Founder and Owner at Code Coopers) gave insights on initializing Angular projects with the talk “Angular Kickstart”, and Ziaul Haq Zia (Senior JavaScript Developer, UpWork Global) briefed the audience about “Taste of RxJS”, in the first half of the meetup. The last two talks were taken by S. M. Asad Rahman (CTO-Web, Monstar Lab Bangladesh Ltd) on advanced Angular “Beyond Hello World”, and to ensure developers make the right decisions while choosing JavaScript frameworks, Mohammad Nurul Islam Shihan (CTO, Deligram Technology Ltd.) presented “Angular — The Good? Bad? Or Ugly?”.

The meetup gave the opportunity to audience members to share their Angular experience. After every tech talk, audience also had the opportunity to ask questions and the speakers in turn organized session related questions for the audience. The correct winners all received “Angular Test-Driven Development” book, which was authored by Ziaul Haq Zia.

The meetup closing gave the perfect opportunity for all the Angular developers to network, and ask questions to the speakers in person. The organizers, and all the partners involved vowed to continue the meetup in the upcoming years.



Saad Bin Amjad

Technical Lead at Monstar Lab Bangladesh. Prefers tea over coffee, and coffee over anything else. Loves to speak.