The Use of Animals In Magic and Sorcery in Morocco

Saad Boujellal
3 min readJun 5, 2022


Yet another form of animal abuse that I constantly see in the Moroccan society is the use of animals in sorcery. Witches and warlocks use the organs of animals such as tails, toes, horns, legs, genitals and sometimes they use the whole animal body, all in order to make spells which unfortunately and only harm other innocent people.

use of animals, cats and dogs in witchcraft, sorcery and magic in Morocco
Photo by Mallory Johndrow on Unsplash

As a matter of fact, a lot of animals are used in witchcraft. I am talking here about mules, horses, donkeys, dogs, cats, and a few others, but the two most used animals are cats and dogs.

Cats :

In old days, there has been a misconception that has been circulating around witches and warlocks about cats. They have thought that cats are evil souls sent by the devil to help them and that they have the ability to see and communicate with other dimensions of the world. As a result, in current times in Morocco, we are told that we should not pull cats’ tails and not to hurt them in night because of the only fact that they could be disguised devils especially black cats.

Each organ is used in the making of spells, potions and concoctions, even their guts inside. They mix dry cats’ guts with certain specific elements so that they can remove the “the cover” which prevents humans from seeing jinns which are, according to the Arab culture, spirits who have the ability to possess animals and humans. That way, witches can communicate freely with these jinns. Plus, when cats’ gall bladder is heated up and put in humans’ eyes, this gives them the ability to see clearly in the dark. And cats’ ears are used in the making of spells of obedience. As I mentioned before, each part is used in something and who knows what else they believe.

use of cats in witchcraft, sorcery and magic in Morocco
Photo by Kristin Wilson on Unsplash

Dogs :

Dogs are highly used in witchcraft and sorcery, and are considered important to witches and warlocks. Like cats, every and each organ and part of dogs can be used and taken advantage of in their process.

As an example, witches utilize black dogs hair for love magic and attraction spells . Eyes of dead dogs for revenge spells. Canines for alleviating pain.

On top of that, they think that stray dogs who have been raised and grown up in cemeteries are more useful than any other dogs.

use of dogs in witchcraft, sorcery and magic in Morocco
Photo by Anoir Chafik on Unsplash

It’s time to say enough to this phenomenon. Those who are charged guilty of such animal abuse should be penalized and prosecuted just like they are when harming people. Raising awareness about this and educating people are ones of the solutions in hand to influence their misguided and wrong beliefs.



Saad Boujellal

I'm a passionate writer who likes to express himself in different topics ranging from self-improvement topics to business-related ones.