10 Interesting Facts About Benedict Cumberbatch That Proves Him As Interesting As Sherlock Holmes

Saad Hanif
2 min readJun 1, 2017


Benedict Cumberbatch is the most awesome person alive! There are very few who would disagree with this statement and those few, I am guessing, would be from another planet! Because come on, who isn’t already in love with this talented and handsome actor?

Before I bore you with my unfathomable love for this mortal God, let’s get to the interesting part of Benedict’s life. And well, you can thank me later for this treat!

1. I beg to differ on this one!

2. He actually stayed with the monks in their house!

3. This is something the Sherlock inside him would be able to solve!

4. Knew he likes it funny!

5. See, so down to earth! Why is he so perfect?

6. I cannot even imagine a different Sherlock!

7. Well, Sid just became a way lot cooler due to this!

8. My wedding is sorted then!

9. A complete daredevil. Is there something he cannot do?

10. A benevolent human being too!

Isn’t he a complete package? I have fallen more in love with him! And yes, you are welcome.


