Maximize Every Day with this Simple and Effective Method

3 min readJan 26, 2019


The 100-year-old method that will help you be more productive

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I remember a quote by Jim Rohn.

“Either you run the day or the day runs you”

Last year I realized that every day was passing by so quickly and I was overwhelmed by how much tasks I had pending. I was having trouble managing my day to day routine, my goals were unclear and I didn’t feel like I was maximizing every day as much as possible.

After doing some reading and research on productivity hacks, I came across The Ivy Lee Method. This method was a life changer and helped me focus more on tasks that were most impactful, tasks the increased productivity.

In this article, I would like to share the method that helped me increase my productivity and stay more focused.

So What is the Method You Ask?

Step 1

Begin by writing down the 6 most important tasks at the end of the day that you wish to complete the following day. You don’t need to have exactly six but make sure no more than that, this helps you reduce the number of tasks you have on your list to the most important tasks only.

But what if I have more than 6 tasks, how do I know which ones to choose?

I wrote an article on how to choose the tasks are truly important here.

Also, I prefer not to include tasks of habit or routine on this list, for example, I read every day so it would be a waste of a task slot to include “Read chapter 6–9” on that list.

Step 2

After jotting the 6 chosen tasks, prioritize them in order of importance and the order you wish for them to be completed.

I noticed that different individuals have different peak periods throughout the day, for me, it’s mainly mornings and midnight. Here is a tip, order your tasks so that you could face the most difficult one at your peak productivity periods.

Step 3

At the start of the next day, begin with the first task on the list and the golden rule here is to not move forward onto the next task until you have finished the previous one.

Step 4

At the end of the day, review your to-do list, if you have completed all 6 then great!

If not, then forward tasks that have not been completed onto the next day’s list of 6 tasks.

Step 5

Repeat this process every day in your life to stay productive and focused on the tasks that matter most.

Why is this method so effective?

Your mind is already filled with so many thoughts and has a lot going on. The last thing you need is a complex system to work around to stay focused and be more productive.

Photo by Calum MacAulay on Unsplash

The Ivy Lee Method keep it all simple, it’s effective because…

  • It’s simple to learn, understand and apply to one’s life.
  • The limited number of 6 tasks means you have to be decisive and choose tasks that matter most.
  • It helps you focus on a few tasks and direct most of your energy to them instead of diverting your attention to every idea and thought you have.
  • Due to the way the method works, no task will go unfinished.
  • Doing this exercise the night before means you wake up with a clear mind knowing what needs to be completed, your mind is clear and focused.

Got questions? Leave a comment below and I will try answering to the best of my knowledge.

