Week 3: Pathways to Passion — Exploring Peru on Foot

Saanvi Ram
3 min readJun 23, 2024


Shoes on. Coat on. Hat on. AirPods in. The world fades away as I step into my sanctuary, two miles of pure, unfiltered bliss.

Each day, I embark on a journey from my host family’s house to my internship site at CIP. At first, the early mornings felt like a chore, but now they have woven themselves into the fabric of my happiness. The texture of the ground beneath my shoes, the crisp scent of the leaves, and the sky’s “about to rain” hues have become integral to my morning ritual. There’s an enchantment in these walks. The cadence of my steps, the invigorating air, and the silent, introspective moments create feelings that starts my day with perfection.

My walk to CIP!

Navigating a new country alone has been an odyssey. Establishing a consistent routine has been my anchor. While culture shock is a looming shadow, I have yet to feel its full weight. Instead, I rise each day with a fervent resolve to embrace every opportunity.

Peru has revealed to me the joy of loving one’s work. The researchers around me blur the lines between labor and passion, driven by an insatiable quest for knowledge. Their dedication is a beacon, inspiring me to adopt the same relentless pursuit of learning. In just two weeks, my outlook has metamorphosed. I hunger for knowledge, waking at 5:30, eager to immerse myself in the day’s offerings.

In the lab, I continue my deep dive into PCR, guided by the ever-patient Leticia and Melody in the absence of my mentor, Moctar. Their support has been invaluable.

Can you see the colonies growing on these plates? So cool!

Here’s a snapshot of my recent endeavor to produce a cleared lysate:

  1. Pellet an Overnight Bacterial Culture: Centrifugation of the culture to collect bacterial cells.
  2. Resuspend the Pellet: Using Cell Resuspension Solution.
  3. Add Cell Lysis Solution: To break open the cells.
  4. Mix and Add Alkaline Protease Solution: Let it sit.
  5. Neutralization Solution: Added to the mix.
  6. Centrifugation: Separating lysate from debris.
  7. DNA Binding: Using a Spin Column in a Collection Tube, centrifuge the lysate.
  8. Washing: With Wash Solution, discarding the flowthrough.
  9. Elute DNA: Adding Nuclease-Free Water, centrifuging again, and storing at -20°C.

Returning home around 5:30 PM, I relish the familiar two-mile walk once more. This time, my solitude is replaced by the rhythm of my steps and the whispers of the evening breeze. As I walk, I often find myself reflecting on the day’s events, my experiences in the United States, and the rich diversity of Peruvian culture that surrounds me. The differences in traditions and cultures exist, but everything is adorned by the common denominator. In fact, I have found several similarities within Peru and my roots in India. The older souls here, with their kind eyes and gentle smiles, remind me so much of my grandparents, their wisdom and love bridging the gap between two worlds.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, I heard about a Peruvian tradition called “Yunsa.” It’s a festival where a tree is decorated with gifts, and couples dance around it, taking turns to chop it down until it falls, showering everyone with presents. This description painted a vivid picture in my mind, reminding me of Diwali celebrations I have heard about in India, where families gather, exchange gifts, and light up the night with fireworks. I feel that connection to Peru, seeing it as a mirror reflecting the warmth and vibrancy of my roots in India.

These walks have become a cherished ritual, enriching my experience and deepening my appreciation for the universal language of human connection. My experiences have redefined my perspective, fostering a deep appreciation for consistency, curiosity, and passion. Each morning walk serves as a reminder of my journey, both literal and metaphorical, heralding the boundless possibilities that await.

A beautiful tree I saw :)



Saanvi Ram

My name is Saanvi Ram and I am a Borlaug Ruan International Intern. Follow along as I post a weekly blog of my two month experience at CIP in Lima, Peru! :)