Week 4: Seismic Shifts and Scientific Strides

Saanvi Ram
4 min readJun 29, 2024


As the fourth week of my internship in Lima unfolds, I find myself completely in sync with the city’s vibrant pulse. This connection was abruptly deepened by a jolt — a powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake — that seemed to shake not only the ground beneath my feet but also my very soul. Lima, perched elegantly on the Pacific’s edge, embraced me tighter in its wake, a city unyielding in its grace. The quake caught me off guard. But the real surprise wasn’t the tremor itself; it was my reaction. My bed tossed me aside like a ragdoll, yet my nerves remained oddly unruffled. Perhaps I’ve begun to understand Lima’s resilience, mirroring it in my own way.

Beyond these seismic interludes, my week has been a whirlwind of discovery. The lab hums along steadily, but this week offered me the luxury of time — time to shadow the brilliant scientists around me. My research project demanded extensive “incubating at -20 degrees,” freeing me to absorb knowledge and help out as an assistant.

Some solutions I prepared this week!

I witnessed PCR injections, tuber separation, DNA plasmid extraction, liquid nitrogen grouping, and so much more. These experiences catapulted me far beyond my high school science classes — chemistry, physics, biology — to a realm my younger self in 2022 could scarcely have fathomed. I still remember the pure joy of achieving that perfect light pink in my first titration, jumping up and down like a kid on a sugar high. Now, here I am, knee-deep in sophisticated lab techniques, feeling like a character straight out of a sci-fi novel.

It’s wild to think that I’m on the cusp of my senior year, about to dive into the next chapter of my life with all this newfound knowledge. My journey in Lima has been nothing short of transformative. I’ve not only learned about the intricacies of biology but also discovered a lot about myself. The growth I’ve experienced here — both personally and academically — has been staggering. I will be heading into my next school year with a sense of purpose and excitement, ready to take on whatever comes next. The kid who celebrated a titration is now feeling much more excited to tackle the world of science with confidence and curiosity.

As per usual, my week wasn’t confined to the laboratory. My burgeoning adventurous spirit led me to Jockey Plaza, a bustling hub brimming with hundreds of stores. First, I found myself at Librería El Virrey, a labyrinth of books where every corner whispered tales of ancient civilizations and modern dreams. I lingered over pages of García Márquez and Vargas Llosa, feeling the weight of their words in the air. Then, the irresistible aroma from La Lucha Sanguchería Criolla pulled me in. I opted for their vegetarian offerings, indulging in a sublime quinoa salad bursting with fresh vegetables and a tangy rocoto pepper dressing. My journey continued to Heladería Laritza D’, where I savored a scoop of lucuma ice cream. Its creamy, caramel-like flavor was a sweet serenade to my taste buds.

A night at Jockey Plaza :)

Every store, every scent, every taste at Jockey Plaza was an expression of Peruvian culture, making me feel both at home and thrillingly far from it.

Thrillingly far from it? I suppose that makes sense. I am around 4,000 miles from the sweet aroma of home. But I ask myself: When will I get an experience like this again? An opportunity to work one-on-one with world-renowned scientists? The chance to explore my passions abroad? By the end of this week, I will be about halfway through my internship, and time seems to be slipping by so quickly. The true experience lies in making each moment count. Maybe that’s why I love writing so much — it gives me a chance to pause and reflect.

Reflecting on my week and sharing it on this blog is like capturing the aftershocks of my experiences — each post sending ripples through time. It’s not just for the curious readers out there, but also a gift to my future self, a record of these moments. Just as the earthquake imprinted itself on my memory, these reflections will serve as lasting reminders of my personal growth and adventures, resonating long after the tremors have settled.



Saanvi Ram

My name is Saanvi Ram and I am a Borlaug Ruan International Intern. Follow along as I post a weekly blog of my two month experience at CIP in Lima, Peru! :)