Moving on.

White Light
3 min readFeb 9, 2015


Moving on is letting go, and if you don’t believe that
then tell me how you can walk forward
with one foot still stuck in the mud. You can’t.
But letting go isn't easy, I know.

Maybe it’s not so much about letting go but,
realizing what you’re holding on to.
Trace that grip back to its roots,
study the soil it’s embedded in.
Ask yourself why you’re holding on and maybe,
maybe an answer will blossom.
If not, canvas every memory that fertilizers that soil
unearth it, grain by grain if you have to,
until you find the seed that germinated it.
Maybe then you will realize why that memory is so potent,
why the grip is so strong,
why you have been holding on for so long.
Realize the entirety of your loss and let it go.

I think all the answers lie in the origin of the question,
if we can retrace back that far.
Someone once told me that feelings are more intense,
when there is an absence of a presence we were bonded to.
That made me realize we would not know black
if there is no white and, vise verse.
Life wouldn't be a gift if no one died.

Love and loss go hand in hand and they travel on the same road.
If you chose to companion one, you can’t avoid the other so don’t try.
Don’t fear love, because if you can believe in something as great as love
then it can be yours but, find it within you first.
To get the best you have to go through the worst.
If you’re going to love, then love unconditionally, with no expectations,
not even to be loved back.
And don’t let love wither down to hate,
don’t blame love for your pain.
Unless someone is a math equation you can’t say
that they’re right or wrong. There’s no such thing,
move on.

To love is to let go, and if you don’t believe that
then you haven’t lived long enough yet.
You haven’t loved deeply enough yet.
Love for another is selfless but,
you have to love your self selfishly first.
That’s confusing I know, but it’s important.

Be okay with having a void inside you, make it your garden
grow flowers in your emptiness, make your own music and dance!
Be happy alone, then you can never say you’re lonely.
Loneliness is a weak thought from a weak mind.
Befriend yourself and tell her all your secrets.
Don’t hide from the pain, don’t run, don’t lock it up as a prisoner within you, because you will only cage yourself.
Let it go.

Smile, smile on the inside or
so widely that your cheeks kiss your eyes,
but smile sincerely.
Don’t just tell yourself you’re happy but be happy .
Love and hate are both beasts and the one that grows is the one you feed.”
Don’t feed hate and don’t ignore it.
Stare hate and pain in the eye with so much kindness that
it disintegrates at your gaze.

Be strong with love.
Become your own pillar of strength and road to success.
Do what you want and say what you think
not what you think the world wants to hear.
Think twice,
trace every every thought to it’s origin and make sure it’s
materialized from love and not hate,
from passion, not lust,
from kindness and not envy.

Your problems are more universal than you think,
if you don’t believe that then you have so much
more of the world left to see, so open your eyes.
You’re never alone.
From the loss of love, to the loss of a loved one,
from the fear of failure and the need to succeed,
and the uncertainty of what’s right.
From regrets to the harrowing tick of time,
the want to be loved and embraced,
the insecurities and, the perpetual search for meaning,
there are many walking alongside you.
Say “Hi”.

Be resolute, have grace
walk at your own pace, don’t make it a race,
be not afraid” of mistakes.
Don’t let anyone hold you back or stop aimlessly in your tracks.
Have people by your side but don’t let them be your guide,
Make enough mistakes to be sure it’s a mistake and
always pick yourself up and get back on the ride.
Stop victimizing yourself and breathe.

Lend someone a hand, an ear
or just time, tell them that they’re not alone
and that you’re by their side.

Love yourself first, you will be alright.


