Should Investors Invest in Biomedicine

Saar Pilosof
2 min readSep 18, 2017

Many investors are wondering whether investments in biomedicine would prove to be profitable and worthwhile. The development of some breakthrough biomedicines presents a level of hope for investors who believe that the future of biomedicine is going in a positive direction.

This is what Saar Pilosof has to say on the matter, One of the most popular biomedicine breakthroughs is in stem cell technology. Stem cell technology has been responsible for the treatment of many cases where there was damage to or reduced production of the existing stem cells. These cells have the ability to develop into different types of cells during early life and they also help with repair by replenishing damaged cells in the body.

Because of how stem cells work, they present a viable option to help the body repair itself. Over the years, billions of dollars have been invested in the further development of stem cell technology and there is much promise in this field of biotechnology.

Investors looking to invest in a promising and growing industry would do well to seriously consider investing in stem cell technology and other forms of biomedicine. Any type of treatment for cancer may be a good choice. While biotechnology is highly risky, the rewards are also above-average for products that work and provide real solutions to current healthcare challenges.

When looking to invest in biomedicine or biotechnology, you should look for stable organizations that have good prospects for growth. Some biotech companies that have a good track record include Celgene Corporation, Gilead Sciences Inc., Exelixis Inc, Enzo Biochem Inc., and Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC.

