Why should SaaS customers use Saascoin?

2 min readFeb 26, 2018


As a SaaS customer, you might be wondering why you should buy your services with Saascoin instead of any other currency whether crypto or fiat.In our whitepaper and description we emphasized how Saascoin will be the best solution for SaaS businesses as a payment gateway. But when we say SaaS businesses we also mean the customer, for if there was no customer there is no business.

Saascoin will provide SaaS customers, with features that’ll facilitate the payment process by eliminating all the obstacles the customer’s money might face before reaching the service provider’s wallet. in this article we will be mentioning some of those obstacles and how using Saascoin can eliminate them.

1- Recurring Billing: As you have seen, no cryptocurrency around offers this feature. meaning that to a SaaS business trying to adapt with the big change cryptocurrency is bringing to the world this can be a serious challenge given that all SaaS businesses work with the premium subscription model.

Even with Fiat money, the current payment gateways till this day haven’t properly fixed the issues associated with recurring billing. Saascoin will offer this feature, enabling both businesses and their customers to overcome the problem of recurring billing and make it as smooth as possible.

2- Empowering the Customer: Sometimes cancelling your subscription can be a hard thing to do. As you will have to wait for your service provider to approve the cancellation which can take a long time forcing you to stick with a service provider giving you services that you don’t need or unhappy with. This is no more with Saascoin, as you’ll be able to cancel your subscription anytime you like once you feel unhappy with your service provider without having to wait for their approval.

3- 0.00% Decline Rate: You will never have to worry whether your payment in Saascoin got through or not as it’ll always get through. Meaning that their will be no failed or late payments for as long as you wish to stay with your service provider.

4- Saascoin Pricing: prices will always be set in USD and converted to Saascoin at the moment of purchase.

As mentioned above, Saascoin is built to enhance the relationship between the customer and the business. which is vital for the business’s sustainability and the customer’s satisfaction and one can’t choose between one or the other.

