Few-shot learning

Saba Hesaraki
3 min readNov 15, 2023

Few-shot learning is a machine learning paradigm that focuses on training models to make accurate predictions with very limited amounts of labelled data. In traditional machine learning, models often require large datasets for training to generalize well to unseen examples. However, in many real-world scenarios, collecting extensive labelled data can be expensive, time-consuming, or impractical.


  1. Shot:
  • In few-shot learning, the term “shot” refers to the number of examples available per class for training. For example, if you have only one or a few examples per class, it’s called one-shot or few-shot learning.
  1. Classes:
  • Few-shot learning typically deals with a small number of classes, and the challenge is to learn effective representations and relationships among them with limited examples.


The architecture for few-shot learning can vary, but there are some common approaches:

  1. Siamese Networks:
  • Siamese networks use two identical subnetworks that share weights. They take in two input samples and output a similarity score. During training, the network learns to minimize the distance between samples from the same class and maximize the distance between samples from different classes.
  1. Meta-Learning:
  • Meta-learning involves training a model to quickly adapt to new tasks with minimal data. Models are trained on a variety of tasks, and during testing, they can adapt to new tasks with only a few examples.
  1. Transfer Learning:
  • Pre-trained models, often trained on large datasets, can be fine-tuned on a small dataset for a specific task. This leverages the knowledge gained from the large dataset to improve performance on the smaller dataset.


  1. Data Scarcity:
  • Limited labelled data is the primary challenge. Models need to generalize well with only a handful of examples per class.
  1. Overfitting:
  • With so few examples, there is a risk of overfitting to the limited training data.
  1. Feature Learning:
  • Extracting meaningful features from a small dataset is challenging. Learning a robust representation is crucial.


  1. Limited Generalization:
  • Models may struggle to generalize well to completely unseen classes, especially if the training set is very small.
  1. Dependency on Task Similarity:
  • The success of few-shot learning methods often depends on the similarity between the tasks used for training and the target task.
  1. Sensitivity to Noise:
  • Few-shot learning models can be more sensitive to noisy or mislabeled data due to the limited amount of training data.

In summary, few-shot learning addresses the challenge of training models with minimal labelled data, and various techniques, such as Siamese networks, meta-learning, and transfer learning, have been employed to tackle this problem. However, challenges such as data scarcity and the risk of overfitting remain, and the success of these approaches depends on the specific characteristics of the tasks and data involved.

