Transfer learning

Saba Hesaraki
2 min readNov 15, 2023



Transfer learning is a machine learning paradigm where a model trained on one task is adapted for a related but different task. The idea is to leverage knowledge gained during the training of one model to improve the performance of another model on a related task, especially when the target task has limited labelled data.

Types of Transfer Learning:

  1. Inductive Transfer:
  • Knowledge is transferred from a source task to a target task where the input spaces and output spaces are the same.
  1. Transductive Transfer:
  • Knowledge is transferred from a source task to a target task where the input spaces are the same but the output spaces are different.


  1. Feature Extraction:
  • The lower layers of a pre-trained model, often trained on a large dataset, can serve as feature extractors. These layers capture general features useful for various tasks.
  1. Fine-Tuning:
  • Fine-tuning involves taking a pre-trained model and training it further on the target task with a smaller learning rate. This allows the model to adapt to the specifics of the new task.


  1. Improved Performance:
  • Transfer learning often leads to improved performance on the target task, especially when there is limited labelled data for the target task.
  1. Faster Convergence:
  • Models trained with transfer learning often converge faster compared to training from scratch, as they start with knowledge gained from a different but related task.


  1. Domain Shift:
  • If the source and target domains are significantly different, the effectiveness of transfer learning may be compromised.
  1. Task Mismatch:
  • If the source and target tasks are too dissimilar, the transferred knowledge may not be applicable, and the model may need extensive retraining.
  1. Overfitting:
  • There is a risk of overfitting to the source domain, especially if the target task has limited data.


  1. Selecting Source Model:
  • Choosing a source model pre-trained on a related task or a larger dataset is a critical step.
  1. Feature Extraction and Fine-Tuning:
  • Depending on the target task and available data, one can decide whether to use the pre-trained model as a feature extractor, fine-tune specific layers, or retrain the entire model.
  1. Regularization Techniques:
  • Techniques like dropout or weight decay may be employed to prevent overfitting during fine-tuning.

In summary, transfer learning is a powerful approach to leverage knowledge from one task for another. It involves using a pre-trained model as a feature extractor or fine-tuning it for a new task. Success depends on selecting an appropriate source model, dealing with domain shifts, and addressing challenges like overfitting. While transfer learning often leads to improved performance, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution and requires careful consideration of the source and target tasks.

