Saba Arif
5 min readAug 31, 2017


Practicing Happiness to Boost your Success

Peace begins with a Smile

There is a very famous saying of Mother Teresa -”Peace begins with a smile. Smile five times a day at someone you really don’t want to smile at; do it for peace”

It seems how a smile can be peace in our life or around us. But believe me, this simple step can make a miracle if we take it less seriously.Peace begins with a smile, but get matured with kindness. We should bring qualities of compassion and kindness to inculcate peace in us permanently.

But it is not at all peace in a complete sense. But without beginning, there is no end. So let us all commence our journey of peace with a smile, no matter what is the object for the smile. Just smile.

Through smile,

You can make any stranger

Your very own in a while,

It is infectious too

If one gives a smile to others,

He compels others to smile too,

The more we smile,

The more we feel good and light

And in turn, we feel more peaceful

Let us all smile

As Peace begins with a smile”

- Lokendra Singh

After listening Shawn Anchor’s Ted Talk I got a new concept “ How we can boost success through happiness” Happiness is fuel to success. He talk about 5 steps of happiness that we can follow to maximize your positive energy and build an internal peace. When we will be positive a positive shell build around us that reflect negative vibes and you always will be focused and engaged with your targets and automatically you will success in your life.

“ 90% of happiness is predicted not by the external world, but the way your brain process the world ”

So, yeah it means happiness is a choice. No matter, in which situation we are, what circumstances are around us, we can still find a way to be happy and positive. When a person is happy he is more productive in his work so when he is more productive then his work will be different from others.

Positive thinking+Positive Action=Positive Result

Positive thinking is crucial to live a positive life. Every person wants to be happy and also wants to be successful in his/her life. But you can’t be happy with a negative mind. To bring a happiness in your life you have to create a positive environment in your surroundings as well you you have to create positivity in your mind. Because, Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. If we start to ignore just little mistakes of others we will get a lot from this practice. We will learn patience, forgiveness, kindness, and internal peace. when we will build internal peace we will be more happier and proactive in our daily tasks to achieve our goals.

There are a plenty of ways to get rid of this chaos and be happy. A few are listed here:

1) We should always see adversity as opportunities.

2) As emotions are contagious, we should always be positive because people will be more positive if we are positive.

3) Positive attitude is the decision that we make so make the decision to be positive.

4) Positive attitude can be learned through gratitude so show and practice gratitude.

Everyone face negative thoughts, problems, and emotion and depressed in his daily life. There was a time few years back when I was suffering from negative vibes , dejection and despair . Things seemed to be messed up and mind was exhausted with overthinking again and again. I was in search of peace to solace my soul.

I just know one thing about myself that I never believed in giving up no matter how hard it seems ,I can adjust easily in any kind of situation so First of all be patient, bear the circumstances and then what you have to do to get rid of problem or situation.I started to take steps to fight the despair and dejection. No doubt all works only along with prayers that can solace your soul and so did I. So it is very necessary to keep working on your condition until you get succeeded.

There are many wonderful steps mentioned by Shawn Anchor in TED talk who is the world’s leading positive psychology expert and bestselling author on The Happy Secret to Better Work.

I applied Shawn Anchor these steps to make myself happy.

  1. Bring gratitude to mind:

To show Gratitude feel that you respect others and others give respect to your feelings. So you feel good in such environment where you show gratitude. Such as Allah says

“If you will be grateful to Me, I will pay you more”

Show gratitude to other is just like you are wining others or their hearts. Does not matter how much task is big or small just show your kindness through gratitude and then definitely you will found in yourself really happy feelings.

2. Random acts of kindness:

My experience with the next step of random acts of kindness is also a very incredible activity to do. If we do acts of kindness, our hearts will be satisfied, and if our hearts will be satisfied, we will be happy and our minds will be relaxed.

So, be positive and be happy always and yes don’t forget to show gratitude :-)



Saba Arif

Computer Science Engineer \ Thinker \ Hard worker \ Designer\ passionate to do Anything