Power of Praying

2 min readJun 11, 2020


Usmania Mosque in Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir

I believe in God more than anything. Whenever my disappointments put me in trouble, I knelt down before my Lord and asked for peace. Every damn time GOD listened to me and helped me.

I believe that our faith will get stronger if we feel the presence of God around us. He is listening to us and He knows what’s in our heart. Everything on earth has purpose. We just have to trust God’s plan. People maybe will disappoint us at some point of life, but God will never.

Be patient and don’t get upset if you didn’t get what you asked for, trust me you’ll get something better and then you’ll realize why you didn’t get what you prayed for. Talk to God about your problems, He will listen to you and will never get tired of listening you.

Remember to God in every situation, no matter if you’re happy or sad just always be grateful, because everything happens for a reason. God knows when your are hurt and broken. He is testing you and you have to stay patient. No pain will last forever, just never stop PRAYING and I promise you will find peace.

Sometimes people face unbearable traumatic stress. They become depressed, anxious, hopeless, and suicidal and that time we should not tell them to go and pray and everything will be alright. In case of any disorder we should support them, listen to them and encourage them to get professional help.

Never forget to pray for your peace and happiness. That is all that matters.

