IoT enabled MSME Next-Generation-Management

Sabarinath M S
5 min readSep 2, 2018


Digital transformation is Business & Economic Transformation. The potential to transform your business & Economic with the Internet of Things Technologies is leading to significant disruption across the Micro-Small-Medium enterprises (MSME).

It empowers and demands enterprise cultures and people to re-shape the already established and create new ways of doing business that are more firmly integrated with clients and partners. Its strength sits upon innovative technologies, concepts, mind-set shifts and digital data.

This increasing digital value demands organizations rethink the way they handle operating Procedures to bring about hugely improved value chain experiences. The impact penetrates both internal processes and interaction with the Ecosystem.

The structuring of a digital platform that blends existing and newly emerging IoT data across the entire Micro-Small-Medium enterprises (MSME) Next Generation Management will lead to the true success of a Digital Transformation.

This is where MSME Operating Procedure (MSME-Next Generation-Management) assumes the central role for all industrial enterprises by creating a single-source data platform for workers, partners, and clients. Plus, the growing presence of MSME -Next Generation-Management from the cloud offers enterprises new opportunities to provide newer and faster, agiler services, less up-front investment, and or a subscription-based model.

Over recent months, I have taken the time to launch an IoT awareness YouTube Channel (IoT India2020) on IoT Large-scale research for MSME that allows ease of entry to the Digital Revolution and in each one adopting a culture of fail-fast, learn-quicker was advised. The essential speed of trying, failing and learning leads to a new innovative, market-leading way of doing business.

Undergoing Deep Experimental research to launch IoT enabled MSME ecosystem with advanced analytics across the whole enterprise. Looking to improve sourcing, looking to motivate R&D, looking to be an advisor for MSME business support functions.

Connecting the Micro-Small-Medium enterprises (MSME)

The new Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is enabling connectivity with customers in real time. It improves customer insights and monitors product performance throughout its lifetime. From the most simplistic to complex and extensive of products, IoT provides opportunities to develop new types of maintenance and operational solutions in the following ways:

IoT provides an in-depth view of how the product is being used along with those elements that are not of interest and usage. Furthermore, rather than workflow based engagements, the new consumer demands a unique and fast user experience and is one that together with the IIoT can be enhanced.

Product Monitoring relates more to the performance of the product in light of ever demanding environmental and regulatory requirements.

MSME products Supply chain & Retail

Arguably, one of the biggest areas is the ability to monitor and maintain both predictively and prescriptively manufacturing, remotely or present physically.

The IoT enabled MSME Environment

Interactive technologies are transforming MSME product expectations. We expect usable, self-guided and efficient user experiences.

Design and Manufacturing need to handle new, complex problems related to combinational issues of mechanical, electronic and software elements, like never before. As a result, entire teams will blend as it’s what will be required to meet the customer demands.

IoT enabled Solutions

Regardless of individual functionality, the MSME market is changing rapidly and the IoT solution providers to remain competitive, need to develop solutions related to those new needs above.

Digitalization and Internet of Things is the main driving force. Although MSME can be regarded as the first wave, today’s every sectors are being pushed to become digital in one way or another, before it’s too late for their survival.

Existing enterprises will also need to mix the new digitalized ways with what’s available right now in the MSME-Next Generation-Management. The challenge is to develop solutions that provide a smooth and timely transition, the change management needs, development of best practices and a solid ROI.

This is no easy task. MSME-Next Generation-Management development should spread in many directions:

Digitalization sits at the heart and is all about extracting customer and business value from digital World.

As for MSME-Next Generation-Management, the impact is profound. Driven by traditional operating procedures as we know it today is being re-engineered from top to bottom.

We (IoT india2020) planning to launch a Digital MSME platforms, which can be shift to enterprise strategic and solution. The main point of this type of Platform, is for multiple cross-vendor solutions to be seamlessly deployment using a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

The Internet of Things is one of the major trends, Which not only to the sheer volumes of data extracted but is transforming how we organize and execute product design, development, manufacturing, and maintenance

We also planning to introduce IoT Simulators, Consider further the true definition of digital transformation with the Digital Twin and the ability to simulate new models, fail and learn is at an unrivalled level

Our Cloud Product-MSME- Next Generation-Management will accelerate Cloud adoption, According to recent reports in developed countries, 95% of MSME manufacturers plan to purchase and deploy a Cloud solution within the next 48 months (2020). The expectation is to improve ROI (Return On Investment) through performance, scalability, and security while providing increased enterprise collaboration with self-service, purpose-built, and role-based applications

We, IoT India2020 is the beginning of the MSME-Next Generation-Management with IoT Device management Platform & Simulator to achieve the digital need for all the Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises

We, IoT India2020 Started continue our journey through digitalization.

IoT India2020 is an new youTube Channel to motivate Start-ups towards boom in IoT, smart infrastructure and Cybersecurity After Mirai botnet and Reaper attacks on IoT devices, it is important as a developer or a manager who is working on building these smart devices to understand the security risks related to it. In IoT India2020 YouTube Channel, We are planning to give a brief introduction on awareness of IoT-Cyber security, how security is implemented and how it can be exploited to hack into the device. KickStart Your IoT-AI Adventures with IoT India2020 YouTube Channel Nowadays, IoT with AI is a fast growing technologies used in several different verticals. We are also planning to describe how to perform and showcase some interesting use cases for solving real-world challenges. Our Action Plan Goal to make Smart Everything and Motivate our viewers in Building a Brighter Tomorrow Our cities, our homes, our means of transport, our appliances, our wearables are all becoming smarter and with that comes the opportunity to build a brighter tomorrow tailored for efficiency, progress and most importantly — better living. Think optimized traffic and public services; Think less crowding, less time to reach a destination, less stress; Think cleaner air and a safer and healthier environment. In IoT India2020 YouTube Channel, we will showcase how connected “Things” can see what we cannot and can provide us a richer context of our world, in real-time.

