5 Annoying Habits of Lazy Person

Sabhyata Mamgain
4 min readJul 20, 2023


We all are lazy and sometimes don’t want to move our bones to do a task at home. Here are some of the notorious behaviour traits we seek when we want to ditch doing something productive.

Lazy day

1.) Slow and steady : it’s always the smartest way to go when an urgent task is assigned to you and you delay it till the last point. People normally quote you as a lazy fellow trying to slow things down as per convenience. I have seen it several times when I went to government offices, while I had something to be resolved urgently they made a point to delay it beyond understanding. It seems pointless when the authorities are blamed and shamed just because of the few who don’t like to perform at work. Yes it’s sick to blame others for their way of working but when they influence others to do the same it creates a ripple effect of a system failure.

2.) Yawning owl: it’s a basic rule to sleep or completely ignore a task if you are consciously unconscious . Whenever mom had some work at home and my brother wanted to ditch it. He used to use sleep as an excuse to get rid of the responsibility. It’s hard to watch people play these annoying cards at home, but it is the habit of a lazy person to make others do their work so they can enjoy their day at leisure, while others complete their chores, it’s like enjoying fruits but not work for it. I remember when we were children we used to climb trees to eat fruits and the fruit seemed extremely sweet only after we had put in the effort to grab one from the branch by struggling to get to it. While I worked hard for it some stood just underneath grabbing what fell to their feet. I realised no one really wants to work hard to get the fruits they want them with no effort at all. The same goes for some of the online shops that mislead you. Had an episode recently with one(craftedcarry.shop) hope no one is conned by them again.

3.) Mismatching hatching : Another trait of a street smart lazy person is moving things around and disturbing. I met people like my maid at home that just moved things around from their normal place. Just to create a ruckus at home, so as to annoy me and tell me how smart she was to make me crazy in seconds. It’s a really smart way to annoy a person and get them busy sorting things out so you can do whatever you want while they are busy cleaning the mess. Sometimes i feel I should do things for myself instead of seeking help in such mismatching morones, Maybe I am liable to pay and take your attitude please!. It’s best to stay away from the ones who walk inside your premises to brain drain you and make your life a chaotic event.

4.) Messy Martha : I met lazy smart asses at work who did not want to work so they kept making a mess of the situation. So that I had to do their work as well. I met many colleagues who did this with me. All of them just wanted me to do their work instead of focusing on my own. It broke my morale and self esteem to watch them ignore my needs when i sought their help . I realised that people around me just wanted things to be perfect, without a single effort from their side to make the perfect happen. Like i was liable to wipe clean the whole world and give it to them on a platter, So they can mess it up again. I realised that my efforts were meaningless it wasn’t serving a cause it was actually boosting the ego of the people who were smart monsters.

5.) Mouthing outing : Lazy people are the ones who have so much to gossip about. They talk and create a mess of a situation. Sometimes they shout and are loud to get out of a situation. What is the way around to talk to a person who is always ready to fight, for me I take the side gate to exit. People increase volume to intimidate others, so they can get away with any messy situation. It’s a good way to get away with it to create a controversy around. No one likes to be speculated. It’s their charm to use such situations for their benefit.

Laziness is a habit that can be changed. I have had people ignore their basic duties to leisure. Laziness creates suffering when a person reluctant to perform dominates. This creates messy situations. A lazy person should be made aware of their behaviour and duties so they can perform with utmost sincerity.

© The Madhatter Collection



Sabhyata Mamgain

I wear a writters hat sometimes, the poet and the rytms excite me. If only i could invite you to the world of my imagination and surprise you.