SABI against hackers

2 min readDec 19, 2018


Today, when hacking an account on a username and password is a task for a high school student, it is not easy to be confident in the security of your smartphone, even if it is protected by your unique fingerprint. And how, in this case, are commercial and state secrets protected, if at this level they use retinal or face scanning for authentication?

In fact, most modern technologies can be hacked, the data in the system can be changed or falsified. Some experts work hard to obtain secret information, while others do the same to protect it. American scientists cracked a fingerprint-protected system using a printer, for example. Research from Kaspersky Labs showed that they sell devices on the black market that can be used to steal fingerprints. Wrist scanners and iris scanners are also not very reliable — at least three developers create a system for hacking this data.

Sometimes the authentication process does not even need to be broken, you can simply deceive: the most advanced scanners will not be able to distinguish your face from a twin or even from you in a hat or cap. The operation to replace the lens or cornea may cost a pass to work. It does not sound very inspiring, but there is always a chance of losing a finger, which is involved in authentication.

The effectiveness of biometrics is to identify a person by the current state, the task of the whole world now is to create an improved technology based on the unique personal data of the user. Such data can be considered electromagnetic profile of a person who uses SABI.

In our method of biometrics all the cells of the human body are involved, it is impossible to forge such an imprint, this reduces the possibility of hacking and eliminates the possibility of circumventing the authentication process. The software module itself is protected from hacking by an encrypted data transmission channel.

SABI is the first and only identification technology in the world, which authenticates the user not only at the entrance to the system, but also automatically and continuously controls its authenticity while working in it.

Recently, a lot of talk about how the professionals of the present will have to relearn in the near future. It seems professional hackers are on this list.

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System of adaptive biometric identification. Global application of technology.