The next stage in the development of technology SABI

2 min readDec 12, 2018


The next step in the development of SABI technology is the development of a system of remote (non-contact) presentation of stimuli to a bioobject to evaluate its adaptive response. In the initial stage of testing, for clarity, we use one of the basic brain rhythms, such as the alpha rhythm, as an incentive. To impose such a rhythm on the brain, rhythmic physical effects can be applied through the sensory systems of the body: visual, auditory, or tactile channels.

Scientists at Binghamton University have implemented biotechnology of biometric identification, using a “drawing” of human brain waves. As an external influence, they used the visual channel, showing images. The “brain prints” taken at the time of the demonstration of images provided an accurate identification of the person in 100% of cases. But the technology has not received commercial development due to the inconvenience and complexity of applying the contact mode of interaction. These studies proved a very important point to confirm the possibility of implementing SABI technology, as a final product, that the human body, in particular the adaptive adjustment of the human brain’s neural networks to the external identical effect, is absolutely individual.

We were able to influence the nervous system of the body, bypassing the sensory systems. Using two or more modulated carrier frequencies, each of which affects a specific area of ​​the brain, we create beats directly between areas of the brain. The modulation parameters are chosen such that the parameters of the emerging beats correlate with the base (delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma) rhythms of the human brain. See the results of such exposure.

Before stimulation
After stimulation

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System of adaptive biometric identification. Global application of technology.