What awaits us in the future and how SABIGLOBAL change the world

2 min readOct 18, 2018


Information technology influenced human consciousness and capabilities, changed our lifestyle. Modern information technologies have changed priorities and values. Today, information technologies used in society are considered as a factor that has a huge impact on the global development of society and the formation of information reality. Currently, the information sphere has become the core of economic, social, political and other conflicts in society. The later emergence of modern technology main threats are systematized, depending on the spheres of society.

When the world information space functions, information security can be fully ensured only by the efforts of all countries of the world community. The global information security system reflects an important factor in the transition to sustainable development.

At one time, the founders of the concept of the information society rightly noted that information and knowledge would be a key factor in development, exceeding in importance all types of material production, energy and services. In this theory, information technology and telecommunications are represented by the main agent of economic, social and political changes in the modern world. At the same time, the forecasts of the near future social system in comparison with the current realities turn out to be somewhat utopian. A conceptual analysis revealed a relatively low degree of criticality of researchers to the phenomenon of the information society, which is why they turned out to be poorly taken into account the new types of dangers and threats arising in modern society.

SABIGLOBAL thats the way to change the world of security

With this understanding of the situation at the moment SABIGLOBAL team is developing a new innovative system for storing and protecting data of any type, all developing areas have their own data types, which must be constantly protected and therefore a project that will be in demand and really help people is SABIGLOBAL.

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System of adaptive biometric identification. Global application of technology.