Let Us Compare Availability and Durability

Sabiha Ali
2 min readJan 29, 2022


Hey dear people. This is for all the newbies to the AWS Cloud Journey. Hope you have fun!!!

The one thing that is truly irreplaceable for any business is their data. Lose that and you really are out of business. Talking of data, do you really understand availability and durability in cloud?

Let us try to analyze them with an analogy

Let us say we love to visit a library called the AWS GEEK LIBRARY.

Its open 24/7 and very accessible to all the people of the area.

This library can be called a highly available library.

So we can see that availability is related to the service uptime.

There are say 100 books in the library

Every year one book gets stolen or lost.

Then we call the library 99% durable.

So we can say that durability relates to chances of data loss.

Well while this is on a high level lets explain this, lets see this with reference to S3.

S3 standard has an availability of 99.99%

S3 standard has a durability of 99.999999999%

What does this mean when we see them in the SLA(Service level agreement)

S3 being available means how available the s3 service is in AWS. Are you able to access your data.

S3 durability means probability that the object will remain intact and accessible after a period of one year. 100% durability would mean that there’s no possible way for the object to be lost, 90% durability would mean that there’s a 1-in-10 chance, and so forth.

Using the definition that I stated above, the durability of an object stored in Amazon S3 is 99.999999999%. If you store 10,000 objects with S3, on average you may lose one of them every 10 million years or so. Isn't that amazing.

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