Lessons I Learned by Achieving Single-Digit Body Fat

And how I did it.

Sabin Rai
3 min readMay 26, 2023

As a fitness fanatic and a former need-to-go gym 6 days-a-week guy, I wanted to get down to single-digit body fat at least once in my lifetime.

It was my ultimate life goal when I achieved it for the first time.

Even though I am a qualified personal trainer and train people myself, I hired a trusted online coach for one year to help me keep myself accountable and achieve this goal.

Don’t get me wrong, I was already in good shape and had a decent muscle mass before I started cutting down body fat.

But, I believed that getting down to single-digit body fat was the pedestal to reach a higher realm of fitness. I felt everything would change for me once I achieved this goal, and I would be better than most people in terms of fitness.

As for the method of how I achieved it, it’s pretty simple.

When it comes to cutting down body fat percentage, if you strip it down to its basics, all you need to do is:

  • Follow a good basic resistance workout programme consistently, 3–5 days a week.
  • Have a whole foods diet with adequate protein while being in a…

