JavaScript learning roadmap 2023 — The Ultimate Guide

Sabir Hussain
3 min readDec 28, 2022


What is JavaScript? — A high-level definition

JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features & interactive effects on web pages.

JavaScript is evolving: The initial versions of the scripting language were for internal use only. After Netscape submitted it to ECMA International as a standard specification for web browsers, JavaScript pioneered the release of ECMAScript.

JavaScript has continued to grow alongside new browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome since then. The latter even started developing the first modern JavaScript engine, called V8, which compiles bytecode into native machine code.

Javascript 2023 roadmap for beginners — Reasons to learn JavaScript in 2023

5 reasons you should learn JavaScript in 2023

1. JavaScript jobs are in high demand

According to the 2022 StackOverflow developer survey, Statista, University of California Berkeley, and, JavaScript is the most in-demand programming language right now.

2. JavaScript is simple

JavaScript is one of the easiest programming languages with many free tutorials online.

You can get the basics down and then add in HTML and CSS to start building apps and websites.

3. JavaScript developers are high in Salary

Take into consideration that the average salary for a JavaScript developer has increased by almost 35% in the last 20 years.

Moreover, the salary bump is still on an annual increase, with the average JavaScript developer now earning approximately $97,577 to $119,839 a year.

4. JavaScript can be used everywhere — Learn just one language and use it everywhere

JavaScript can be used for front-end and back-end code(Full Stack).

Once you have the fundamentals of JavaScript down, you can learn React, Next, Nust, React Native, Node.js, Express.js, and more.

Could be used in Frontend web: Being the most famous framework of the JavaScript language, React Js and Next Js have covered the whole world of web application development. Some of the top market-defining products out there (Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook being the most vivid examples).

Could be used in Frontend Mobile Apps:: React Native combines the best parts of native development with React, a best-in-class JavaScript library for building user interfaces. We can create native apps for Android, iOS, and more using JavaScript

Could be used in Backend: Meanwhile, backend development focuses on the side of a website users can’t see (the server side). i.e. database management and response to the frontend calls.

The most commonly used framework nowadays are Node JS, Express Js, NUST js, and GraphQL for the backend development

By learning only a single Language Javascript(React + Node) you become a “Full Stack Developer”

5. Activate a new part of your brain

Programming may not be something you’re familiar with and learning a new skill is a great way to stimulate your brain.

Roadmap to Learn JavaScript in 2023

1- Variables (var, let, const)

2- Data Types and their methods

  • Primitive (Non-object/simple) data types
  • Non-Primitive (Objects / Arrays) data types

3- Operators

  • Assignment operator ( = )
  • JavaScript Arithmetic Operators (+,-, *, **, /, %, ++, — )
  • JavaScript Comparison Operators (==, ===, !=, !==, >, <, )
  • JavaScript Logical Operators (&&, II, !)
  • JavaScript Typeof Operator

4- If else and Switch statement

5- Functions

  • Simple functions
  • Functions with params & default params
  • Arrow functions
  • “this” keyword in functions vs Arrow functions

6- Objects in detail

  • Object methods
  • Deep copy vs shallow copy
  • Clone object
  • Object destructuring

7- Arrays in detail

  • Array Methods
  • Higher-order Array methods
  • Chaining

8- Template literals

9- Understand the scope concept

  • Global vs Block vs function level Scope

10- Hoisting

11- Spread operator

  • Spread operator for Arrays
  • Spread operator for objects

12- Rest Operator

13- Import and export

  • Default export vs named export

14- Promises, Async & Await

15- Sets

  • Sets methods (add, delete, has, clear)
  • How sets reduce complexity
  • remove duplicates using sets

16- Constructor function prototype inheritance in JavaScript

17- Classes in JavaScript

  • OOP concepts

18- Cookies vs Localstorage

19- The concepts of how the JavaScript Engine works

Execution Context

  • Global execution context
  • Function execution context
  • Eval execution context

Execution context Stack

Lexical Scope

20- Closures in JavaScript

21- DOM manipulation with JavaScript

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Sabir Hussain

Software Engineer based in Lisbon, Portugal. Content Creator, Traveller, Foodie, and proud Father of two :)