Quantum Entanglement Across Cosmic Scales: Probing the Spooky Law of Nature

Nahidul Hasan Sabit
9 min readJan 20, 2024


Quantum Entanglement

Emphasizing Quantum Entanglement, Physicist Erwin Schrödinger once said —

I would not call that one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, but that trait enforces quantum mechanics’ entire departure from classical lines of thought.

Quantum entanglement, a phenomenon that connects quantum systems in ways that are impossible in our macro-sized, classical world, has been a subject of fascination and intrigue for physicists for decades. It challenges our understanding of reality and the fundamental nature of the universe. As we delve into the depths of astrophysics, we explore the possibility of quantum entanglement manifesting across cosmic scales, from entangled particles to distant celestial bodies. In this literature survey article, we will embark on a journey through the theories and experiments that push the boundaries of quantum mechanics, shedding light on the interconnected nature of the cosmos.

The Curious World of Quantum Entanglement

Quantum entanglement, as described by Albert Einstein in a 1935 paper, is a phenomenon where two particles, such as a pair of electrons, become intrinsically linked, regardless of the distance between them. The properties of these entangled particles, such as momentum and position, are inextricably connected. This concept challenged the classical understanding of physics, leading Einstein to dub it “spooky action at a distance”. However, numerous experiments have confirmed the existence of entanglement, leaving scientists grappling with the question of how this phenomenon works and what it means for our understanding of reality.

Experimental Confirmation of Quantum Entanglement

The concept of entanglement was first proposed in a thought experiment by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen in 1935. Known as the EPR paradox, this experiment aimed to challenge the completeness and locality of quantum mechanics. According to their argument, if quantum mechanics were a complete theory, the entangled particles would violate the principle of locality by seemingly communicating faster than the speed of light.

While Einstein and his colleagues used the EPR paradox to critique quantum mechanics, subsequent experiments have confirmed the existence of entanglement. These experiments have demonstrated the non-local correlations between entangled particles, validating the predictions of quantum theory.

One notable experiment that provided strong evidence for quantum entanglement was conducted by physicists at Delft University of Technology. Using a technique called Bell’s inequality test, they observed correlations between entangled electrons that exceeded the limits imposed by classical physics. This groundbreaking experiment closed the “freedom-of-choice” loophole, which suggested that hidden variables or non-quantum influences could explain the observed entanglement.

Extending Quantum Entanglement to Astrophysical Systems

With the confirmation of quantum entanglement at the microscopic level, scientists began to question whether this phenomenon could extend to astrophysical systems. Could the fundamental interconnectedness of quantum entanglement manifest itself in celestial bodies separated by vast distances?

Theoretical research suggests that quantum entanglement could indeed play a role in astrophysical systems. One proposal is the concept of “cosmic entanglement”, where pairs of particles become entangled in the early universe and subsequently separate due to cosmic expansion. These entangled particles could then influence the behavior of large-scale structures, such as galaxies and clusters, through their entanglement.

Probing Entanglement in Astrophysical Systems

While the theoretical foundation for cosmic entanglement is intriguing, experimental confirmation is crucial for advancing our understanding. Scientists have been exploring various avenues to probe the existence and implications of entanglement in astrophysical systems.

Bell’s Inequality and Assumptions

Bell’s Inequality

To understand the implications of quantum entanglement, physicists turned to John Bell’s inequality. Bell outlined three assumptions about the world: realism, locality, and freedom of choice. Realism suggests that objects have properties that exist independently of observation, while locality posits that nothing can influence something far enough away without violating the speed of light. Freedom of choice assumes that physicists can make measurements freely and without influence from hidden variables. Bell’s inequality provides a mathematical framework to test these assumptions and determine if the world operates according to classical physics or quantum mechanics.

The Cosmic Bell Test

To test the assumptions of Bell’s inequality and explore the possibility of entanglement across cosmic scales, scientists designed a groundbreaking experiment known as the “cosmic Bell test.” This experiment aimed to use ancient photons from astronomical sources, such as quasars, as “cosmic setting generators” instead of conventional random number generators. By measuring properties of these photons, determined billions of years ago, researchers sought to eliminate any potential influences from hidden variables or human choices.

Polarization measurements on entangled photons violate Bell’s inequality

The result of the cosmic bell test was a set of inequalities that must be obeyed by any local hidden-variable theory. Then John Bell made a simple check using the known results of quantum measurement and showed that his inequalities are violated by quantum systems. This ruled out the possibility of any local hidden variable theory (but not Bohm’s nonlocal hidden-variable theory

Also, the research team from the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences utilized the light from distant stars to determine the measurements to be made on entangled photons. By exploiting the randomness of stellar photons’ properties, they demonstrated a high degree of correlation between entangled photon pairs, exceeding the bounds set by Bell’s inequality. This experiment provided strong evidence for the presence of entanglement in astrophysical systems.

Implications for Space-Time and Information Transfer

The existence of quantum entanglement across cosmic scales has profound implications for our understanding of space-time and information transfer. If entanglement can occur between particles separated by astronomical distances, it challenges the notion of locality and suggests a deeper interconnectedness in the fabric of the universe.

One consequence of cosmic entanglement is the potential for instantaneous information transfer, seemingly defying the limitations imposed by the speed of light. While this may appear to violate Einstein’s theory of relativity, it is important to note that information transfer through entanglement cannot be exploited for faster-than-light communication. The transmission of information via entanglement is subject to restrictions and cannot be used to send messages or violate causality.

Quantum Entanglement Satellite System

The theoretical knowledge about Quantum Entanglement has started to revolutionize technological area — Quantum Entanglement Satellite Systems. These represent a groundbreaking leap in the field of quantum communication, heralding the possibility of ultra-secure global communication networks. Spearheaded by China, the Quantum Entanglement Satellite, often referred to as Micius, has been at the forefront of these advancements. This sophisticated satellite system utilizes the principles of quantum entanglement to establish secure and instantaneous communication channels between distant locations.

At its core, quantum entanglement involves the pairing of particles in such a way that the state of one particle is directly correlated with the state of its entangled counterpart, regardless of the distance between them. Micius leverages this quantum entanglement phenomenon by creating entangled photon pairs and distributing them to different locations on Earth. This enables the establishment of a quantum key distribution (QKD) system, where information is transmitted using the quantum states of entangled particles.

How Quantum Entanglement Satellite System works

The implications of Quantum Entanglement Satellite Systems are profound, particularly in the realm of secure communication. Traditional communication methods can be vulnerable to interception, but quantum communication, through the principles of entanglement, ensures an unprecedented level of security. Any attempt to intercept the quantum key would disrupt the entangled state, alerting the communicating parties to the security breach.

As the technology matures, Quantum Entanglement Satellite Systems hold the promise of transforming secure communication on a global scale. The ability to establish unhackable communication links could have far-reaching implications for industries such as finance, defense, and healthcare. The quantum entanglement satellite system stands as a testament to the potential of quantum technologies in reshaping the future of communication and information security.

Institutes That Are Implementing Quantum Entanglement in Various Areas

Several reputable institutes around the world are actively involved in advancing the applications of this phenomenon in various areas —

  1. Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) — University of Waterloo, Canada:
    Quantum Computing, Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Communication.
  2. Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) — University of Maryland, USA:
    Quantum Optics, Quantum Information Science, Quantum Many-Body Physics.
  3. Center for Quantum Technologies (CQT) — National University of Singapore:
    Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Communication, Quantum Optics.
  4. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics — Canada:
    Quantum Foundations, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Information.
  5. Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) — University of Cambridge, UK:
    Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Communication, Quantum Sensing.
  6. Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ) — Germany:
    Quantum Optics, Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Metrology.
  7. Quantum Information and Computation Group — Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences:
    Quantum Information and Computation, Quantum Cryptography.
  8. Institute of Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM) — Caltech, USA:
    Quantum Materials, Quantum Information Processing, Topological Quantum Computing.
  9. QuTech — Delft University of Technology and TNO, Netherlands:
    Quantum Computing, Quantum Communication, Quantum Internet.

Mysteries and Future Directions

Looking beyond the practical applications, quantum entanglement has profound implications for our understanding of the cosmos. The study of materials with large numbers of entangled particles has revealed new states of matter and patterns of entanglement. These discoveries suggest that entanglement may play a role in stitching together space-time itself, bridging the gap between Einstein’s theory of relativity and the enigmatic quantum world. The exploration of entanglement at cosmic scales offers a glimpse into the rich tapestry of the universe and challenges us to rethink our perception of reality.

As we continue to unravel the mysteries of quantum entanglement across cosmic scales, there are still many questions to be answered. Researchers are actively studying the causal explanation of entanglement and the process by which entangled systems revert to classical, unentangled states upon measurement. Understanding these mechanisms could provide insights into the fundamental nature of the universe and potentially lead to a unified theory of quantum gravity. The pursuit of knowledge in this field is driven by the desire to uncover the hidden truths of the cosmos and expand our understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.


Quantum entanglement, once regarded as a bizarre and counterintuitive phenomenon, has now become a cornerstone of modern physics. Its potential manifestation across cosmic scales opens up exciting avenues for exploration and challenges our understanding of the universe.

Through experiments and theoretical investigations, scientists are uncovering the presence of entanglement in astrophysical systems. The correlations observed between entangled particles, even at astronomical distances, provide evidence for the interconnectedness of the cosmos. By probing the nature of entanglement in the celestial realm, we gain insights into the fabric of space-time, the transfer of information, and the fundamental laws that govern our universe.

As our understanding of quantum entanglement across cosmic scales deepens, we move closer to unraveling the mysteries of the universe and unlocking the secrets of the quantum world. The exploration of cosmic entanglement promises to revolutionize our understanding of physics, cosmology, and the nature of reality itself.


  1. A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, N. Rosen, Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete? Physical Review 47, 0777–0780 (1935).
  2. E. Schrödinger, Die gegenwärtige Situation in der Quantenmechanik. Die Naturwissenschaften 23, 807–12; 823–28; 844–49 (1935).
  3. A. Aspect, J. Dalibard, G. Roger, EXPERIMENTAL TEST OF BELL INEQUALITIES USING TIME-VARYING ANALYZERS. Physical Review Letters 49, 1804–1807 (1982).
  4. D. M. Greenberger, M. A. Horne, A. Zeilinger, in 1988 Fall Workshop on Bells Theorem, Quantum Theory and Conceptions of the Universe. (George Mason Univ, Fairfax, Va, 1988), vol. 37, pp. 69–72.
  5. Nolte, David D. “A Short History of Quantum Entanglement.” Galileo Unbound, 27 Nov. 2023, galileo-unbound.blog/2022/11/26/a-short-history-of-quantum-entanglement/.
  6. Dattaro, Laura. “The Quest to Test Quantum Entanglement.” Symmetry Magazine, 18 Oct. 2018, www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/the-quest-to-test-quantum-entanglement?language_content_entity=und.

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Nahidul Hasan Sabit

A highly motivated and accomplished student with a passion for solving complex engineering problems applying mathematics and scientific laws.