What Is Intellectual Development Disorder?

sabra ak
4 min readNov 28, 2022


What Is Intellectual Development Disorder?


If your child has intellectual development disorder (IDD), it means that their cognitive abilities are impaired. This could be in one or more areas, such as understanding language or problem-solving. If a child has IDD, they may be unable to function like other kids their age due to low intelligence and learning disabilities. The doctor may prescribe medications or therapy.

Your child may have symptoms of intellectual disability such as:

  • Difficulty with language, such as not understanding what others are saying or difficulty using words appropriately.
  • Difficulty with social interactions, such as not knowing how to play with other children or being unable to make friends.
  • Difficulty with attention span, causing difficulties sitting still difficulty concentrating on tasks that require more than one step (for example, following directions)
  • Memory problems affect learning new skills and information for longer than usual periods.
  • Problems solving problems on their own without help from others (such as figuring out how to get dressed), organization skills (such as keeping their room tidy), self-care skills (such as getting dressed), motor functions (ability to move around), daily living skills(ability to cook food or clean up after oneself) reasoning abilities(ability think logically about how things work)and planning abilities.

Some causes of intellectual development disorder

Some causes of IDD are preventable. For example, exposure to alcohol and drugs during pregnancy, poor nutrition, infections such as rubella (German measles), lack of sleep, or stress can all contribute to developmental delay or intellectual disability.

Some causes are not preventable. A diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder may be made based on a child’s symptoms without any clear cause for them. Genetic disorders such as Fragile X syndrome can also cause intellectual development disorders in children who inherit a copy from both parents.

However, there is good news: You can get treatment for IDD at any age — it is never too late!

The symptoms of intellectual development disorder

Children with mild IDD may be able to live independently and attend school.

  • Those with severe IDD may need lifelong care in a special education program.
  • There are many different types of intellectual development disorders, including autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), intellectual disability (ID), Asperger’s syndrome, and more. Some children with IDD have no symptoms at all while others have severe symptoms, such as being unable to walk or talk by the age of four or five years old. Symptoms of IDD can change over time too: A child might show no signs of difficulty at age three but later develop problems with communication skills or self-care abilities like dressing themselves or feeding themselves independently

You can get a lot of help for your child

  • You can get a lot of help for your child. There are many services available to families, including support groups and therapy. If you suspect your child has IDD, it’s important to ask questions about how to best address the condition as soon as possible.
  • Your child may benefit from a medical evaluation by a pediatrician or another primary care provider. They may refer you to an expert in childhood development who will evaluate your child further and recommend treatment options if necessary.
  • You’ll also want to make sure that any specialist (such as an occupational therapist or speech-language pathologist) sees all relevant information from other professionals involved in treating your son or daughter so that they can work together on a comprehensive plan for him/her.

General term for a disorder that affects cognitive functioning.

Intellectual development disorder (IDD) is a general term for a disorder that affects cognitive functioning. Cognitive functioning refers to the ability to think, learn and remember. The term IDD is used to describe a wide range of disorders that have similar symptoms but may be caused by different things. It affects every aspect of life, from communication skills to social interactions with other people as well as problem-solving activities such as finding your way home after getting lost.

You should know about this if you:

  • Have an intellectual disability or developmental delay
  • Are supporting someone who has an intellectual disability or developmental delay

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a number that represents

People below are considered to have an intellectual disability. Those with an IQ between 71 and 80 are considered borderline; those with an IQ between 81 and 89 have average intelligence; those with an IQ between 90 and 109 have above-average intelligence; those with an IQ between 110 and 119 are high-average; those who score 120 or more on the test are very superior in their thinking abilities.

There are five different levels of IDD

· Mild IDD

People with this level of IDD have an IQ score of between 40 and 69. They typically have trouble in school, but they can learn enough to get by. For example, they may not understand what their teachers are saying and may have difficulty completing assignments at home. They often do not notice when people are upset or angry with them.

  • Moderate IDD

People with moderate IDD have an IQ score between 35 and 39, which is considered a borderline intellectual disability. These people typically struggle to perform basic tasks independently at home or in public areas where there are no reminders from others about how to complete a task correctly (for example, getting dressed).


Intellectual Development Disorder is a condition in which your child has difficulty with two or more of the following:

· Understanding and using language

· Learning new skills through imitation or repetition

· Using logic and reasoning to solve problems.

