How to tell if a potential Sugar Daddy is real or a scammer in disguise.

Sabrina Olivas
9 min readAug 18, 2020


In this blog we are going to be looking into some examples of scams and what you should look out for in order to determine whether your potential Sugar Provider is a scammer or not. (Online version) We are going to see how a Sugar Daddy would handle the situation vs. what a scammer would do/say. Now let’s see some common scams that these slimy scammer bastards will try to pull on our new Sugar Babies.

So first the first indication, let’s go into the Profile type scams. Now what do I mean by this? I mean the scams on internet profiles that just by one look you can immediately tell that the profile is fake. See when Sugar Babies are on the hunt for Sugar Daddies online we look at their profiles so that we can see and get a feel for what type of vibe these potential providers give off.
Real Sugar Daddy profiles have many pictures of themselves and photos of their daily lives. They have bio’s that tell about their lives, what they do for a living, regular usernames, statuses about their businesses/daily lives, or they have their contact numbers and such. Basically they are not afraid to show their identities or personal lives. They tend to not advertise that they are looking for a Sugar Baby as well since it’s a normal profile and many people still think it’s taboo.
Scammers on the other hand have their identities non existent on their profiles and only show how they want to spoil you in their bios or on each of their posts/pictures. Now I know what you might be thinking, “Sabrina doesn't that make it easier for us Sugar Babies to find Sugar Daddies when they specify that they are looking for us Sugar Babies? Well the answer to that is yes! Yes it does because those profiles help you deduce between a real/fake sugar daddy just by showing themselves right off the bat. See whenever they do this then that means they are a scammer and they are trying to steal either your information or money. We’ve all come across these types of scammers whether it was through twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Everyone has seen the profiles that say “The first 500 Sugar Babies to text this number will get 1000 dollars each,” or “I need a loyal trustworthy Sugar Baby who I can spoil and all I need you to do is text my kik,”or “Needing a local sugar baby to DM me right now if you’re interested in getting spoiled.” Yeah, you know the ones. Every aspiring Sugar Baby has seen these types of profiles, but what separates the OG Sugar Babies from the beginners is being able to detect scams right on the spot.
You have to think about this from an outside perspective as well, why would any Sugar Daddy go off and spend their money on whoever shows up at their door without getting to know them first? This would leave them susceptible to many unwanted charges, possible scammers, private life exposed, etc. So when you are out looking at these profiles take a step back and ask yourself, why are they doing this? Would I do this in their position? And then see how your way of thinking changes as well.

So remember, good profiles have:
-Many pictures (usually not flaunting money.)
-Detailed bio not flaunting/insinuating they want a Sugar Baby or how much money they want to give them.
-Business details and regular usernames.

Bad/scammer profiles have:
-Pictures only displaying money
-Bio’s that only talk about how they want to spoil many Sugar Babies.
-So many hashtags on each of their posts.
-Also on their posts they always mention how they want Sugar Babies to message them on other platforms.
Try to see if these profiles resemble ads. And also if they seem too good to be true.

Second indication on this scamming thread is the language that is exchanged between “Sugar Daddy” and Sugar Baby.
Real Sugar Daddies will converse with you and try to get to know you first! They will not immediately ask what your bank account details are, how you want to be paid, or any other personal information right off the bat. They will want to know what you need, what type of arrangement you would like, start to plan on how to get together and meetup, etc. They will try to see how you are and get a feel around for you as well. They want to know who they are spoiling and who they are going to be interacting with for a long time.
Scammers won’t really seem human at all, instead they seem more like bots or shitty telemarketers. They will constantly say Sugar Baby, Sugar Daddy, baby, you can trust me, loyal, I need to trust you, etc. Or they will have very broken English and not seem professional at all, like they will have poor grammar. They will want to give you your allowance right away, even before knowing your name. Suspicious much? They will say things like “baby I need your bank account number to give you the 5,000 dollars,” or “How would you like your allowance? I can only do gift cards,” or “my business advisor wants to put you on our payroll and I need your social security in order to process the payments.” Do you see a pattern here? These scammers try to make the process so easy and like you don’t need to do a thing and they will do everything for you. They will also message you straight off the bat like “hey do you need a Sugar Provider? Text my number and I'll give you an allowance of 5000 per week!” See, we have a saying in the community, and that is if it seems too good to be true, it usually is. No real honest person would do that without getting to know the person that they are spoiling first. Then once you call them out or find out their true intentions they will turn it around on you and call you the scammer or try and “report” you. It is actually pretty simple to figure out these bastards right away but unfortunately since many Sugar Babies feel their first time jitters and the high of being in the sugar world for the first time they tend to get in over their heads and not look at the real picture. I know I was guilty of that for sure. And as the Sugar world keeps evolving so do these scammers, but always remember that no matter what you should never ever give your personal information out. Never give social security numbers, bank account numbers, logins, gift cards, checks, addresses, IBAN, nothing that reveals personal/financial information about you! Also never ever accept gifts cards, e-check, checks, or any other forms of compensation that are not these third party apps or cash. I know it might be tempting and the “what if’s” are tempting and oh so persuasive. But wouldn’t you rather miss a so called “opportunity” than to lose all your money and identity?

The third biggest indicator to detect a scammer is what they think Cashapp/PayPal/Venmo scams:
A good method for Sugar Babies to get money is to use third party apps such as CashApp, PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, Etc. These apps can provide security, reliability (in some cases), and even anonymity. Sugar Babies and Sugar Daddies know that, but the scammers know that too. So let’s see first how both a real sugar daddy and a scammer would approach the situations when it comes to these apps.
Let’s say a Sugar Baby is first talking to a potential provider, lets see first how a Sugar Daddy would approach this situation.
Sugar Baby: Hey Daddy I prefer my allowance to be paid by apps like cashapp and venmo! Cash is also definitely accepted!
Sugar Daddy: Of course sweetheart I would love to pay you through those apps. I also agree that we should be safe and have a mutual agreement on payment. What is your cashapp tag or venmo username?
Now let’s see what a scammer would say instead.
-Oh baby I would do that baby but my account is not working right now,
-Oh Sugar Baby I am sorry but I can’t do that because my last Sugar Baby was a scammer and screwed me over.
-Yes I do have those accounts baby I just need your login, password, full name on the account and information to get into your account to deposit money into it!
They will basically do anything to avoid you using these apps because they can not scam you through those apps. This is why you also cannot give your personal information out because then they win. And in our community we do not let these low lives win.
Another type of scam for these apps is when you give a “sugar daddy” your PayPal/cashapp/venmo tag or username and they said they sent you 3000 dollars. And then all of a sudden you either get an email, notification, or the scammer themselves say you need to pay a fee before you get their money. No, sweetie no. This is a scam because all they are trying to do is get a quick buck and steal your information. These websites will not send you emails about this and even if they did their emails have different context than the emails that the scammers give to you. You will never have to pay money in order to get money in this line of work so don’t ever send money to anyone or anything. This is a big indication that you are getting scammed.

Fourth indication are the scams that are pretty unconventional and not really well known. Scams like:
-Pretending to be a governing official/law enforcement/ lawyers etc. (Which by the way is illegal. They try to do this to intimidate you and for you to cave in to their demands. When this happens please breathe and ask around if it is legit or not, it most likely isnt. But if you need further assistance please know you have local free resources such as government lawyers who can give you free legal advice.
-The scammers who pretend to deposit cash into your account by either mobile checks, e-checks, actual checks, or logging into your actual account (Which by the way is illegal to give out your bank account information) and then ask you for some of that cash back. See the cash shows up into your bank account and then they ask for part of that cash amount back. Now you need to know never to cash in checks that are sent to you by first time daddies. These checks will bounce back because they will claim fraud and now not only do those scammers have their “cash back” but you will also have money taken out of your account and it will go into the negatives. Many times the bank will not be able to help you and you will have to pay all of that money back, so do not cash in that check because it is not going to help you at all, it will probably destroy your finances.
-Some Scammers will try to use bitcoin so unless you have very precise knowledge about bitcoin then we recommend you don't use it! Especially because it is untraceable.
-Scammers will also say that they have an account manager, business account, company accounts, and whatever else right. This is a big fucking no. They are using this method to seem high and mighty but they are really full of shit. Do not give them any banking details/personal information because these are just deterrents in order to get your banking information.
-They will also say they are overseas and that they are not able to pay you through your apps and instead they need to pay you directly through your bank and therefore they need your banking information. You see where I am going with all of this?

A true Sugar Daddy will pay you in a method that feels comfortable for both of you and they will not pressure you or make you believe there is only one way to get paid. It doesn't work like that in the Sugar world because we all have to be equally happy and satisfied in our relationships.

In the end we all have to look at these situations from another point of view and see the big picture. Try to see why both Sugar Daddies and Scammers are doing the things they do, and see how you could be a step ahead.

