Driving Data Projects Success: Key Questions to Ask Your Stakeholders

Sabrine Bendimerad
2 min readJul 17, 2023


In today’s data-driven world, as a data scientist or someone involved in data project management, meeting stakeholders for the first time is a crucial step towards success. Drawing from my 9 years of experience in the field, I have crafted a data brief that will guide you in asking the right questions during these important interactions. This data brief serves as a pattern proposition that you can adapt to your specific needs or use as a foundation for effective stakeholder engagement. These questions aim to uncover operational needs, gain valuable insights, and drive impactful data-driven solutions.

Let’s dive into the key questions you should ask when meeting your stakeholders for the first time.

🔎 Problem Identification:

  • Can you provide an explanation of the issue you are currently experiencing?
  • How is this obstacle affecting your daily operations and decision-making?
  • Have you identified any underlying factors contributing to this difficulty?

💥 Impact and Consequences:

  • What are the tangible consequences resulting from this challenge?
  • How does this consequence impact your budget, workload management, or decision-making effectiveness?
  • Are there potential long-term implications affecting growth or compliance?

📊 Current Situation:

  • Have you explored any internal solutions? If yes, what was the outcome and why was it not successful?

🔍 Awareness of Previous Work:

  • Are you familiar with any previous initiatives related to addressing this problem?
  • What insights or lessons can we draw from that endeavor?

🎯 Desired Situation:

  • How do you envision the ideal solution to this problem?
  • What specific goals or objectives do you aim to achieve through data?
  • Are there any key deliverables that define success for you?

📚 Data Sources:

  • What are the potential data sources that can provide valuable insights?
  • Do you have an existing data repository or system we can leverage?
  • Are there any external data sources or partnerships we should consider?

📈 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • What metric or KPI would help measure progress and success?
  • Are there industry-standard benchmarks we should consider?
  • How would you prioritize the most critical KPI for monitoring progress?

🚀 Resolution Approach:

  • What level of involvement and support can you provide during implementation?
  • How often would you like to engage and provide feedback on our progress?
  • What is the desired timeline for implementing the solution and delivering actionable insights?

🔧 Deployment Considerations:

  • Who will be the primary user of the project’s result?
  • How frequently will the deliverable be utilized and shared?
  • Are there any concerns or constraints regarding deployment or integration?

💡 Expected Benefits:

  • What benefit do you anticipate from implementing this solution?
  • Can this benefit be categorized as strategic, financial, productivity-related, or regulatory compliance improvements?
  • Can you quantify this benefit in terms of monetary value or key performance metrics?

Feel free to adapt these questions to suit your specific context and engage in meaningful discussions with your stakeholders. By asking the right questions, you can gain valuable insights and align your data-driven project with the needs and goals of your organization.

Good luck with your next data project !



Sabrine Bendimerad

AI Engineer & Lecturer in Paris | ✨Google WTM Ambassador | Passionate about demystifying technical concepts