How to Choose the Perfect Audio Engineering College in Delhi?

2 min readMay 26, 2018


Audio Engineering and Music Production Course in Delhi

Audio engineering and music production is a field which has reached a new height in India. The main reason being, Indian audience is growing and exploring various types of genres in music. New experimental forms of music are also being introduced by Indian musicians. This facility to create a unique piece of music is happening only because of the presence of good audio engineers and music producers.

The role of a music producer plays an important part in the entire creation of a song or album. In today’s time, a producer might need to work on various different sections of the production chain. This is why, it is of utmost importance that an individual who is interested in pursuing a career in this field is well-equipped with the working of various software and possesses in-depth knowledge about each aspect.

A good combination of practical and theoretical knowledge is essential in order to become a master in this field. Doing so, becomes easy when you join a reputed college and religiously complete the course. There are many music production schools in Delhi but how to choose which one is the best for you?

You, as an aspirant, need to look out for three main factors:

1. The module of the course

You may visit the website or personally go the college to know details of the curriculum of the course. It’s necessary that the course that you apply for provides you with a perfect blend of theory knowledge as well as nourishes your practical skills. Thus, the college needs have a highly equipped studio which consists of industry grade softwares.

2. The duration of the course

Time is another important factor. Only you can decide whether you want to pursue a 1-year diploma course or a 4-month long certificate course.

3. Reputation of the college

To build a good portfolio, it matters from where you have completed your basic education in terms of audio engineering, from. Thus, pick a college which is renowned for providing excellent education.

Finding the right college can be a little tricky but once you have followed these points your decision will become much easier. A thoughtfully designed curriculum plays an integral role and SACAC, one of the best sound engineering colleges in Delhi, understands it. Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts and Communication is a well-known college which provides a wholesome audio engineering diploma course and a music production certificate course. To know more, you may visit their website and contact them today.




Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts & Communication (SACAC), a unit of Sri Aurobindo Society is a centre for creative learning in arts & communication