Take the State of JavaScript 2018 Survey!

Just like Christmas or the flu, the State of JavaScript survey comes back around every year. But unlike these, it’s something to actually look forward to!

Sacha Greif
We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news


➡️ Take the survey now

If you’re not familiar, the survey covers all things JavaScript and tries to answer two main questions:

  • Which up-and-coming tools are developers most excited about?
  • Which tried-and-true technologies are developers most happy with?

These are both equally important: you want to keep up to date with the latest libraries to avoid getting left behind, but you also don’t want to bet the house on a new, unproven solution.

2017 Front-end Results

You should definitely check out last year’s results to see what data we collected. With over 20,000 entries, we managed to capture a good chunk of the ecosystem. And we’re hoping to do even better this time!

More Granular Questions

The main change this year is that we added some extra logic to the survey: if you mention having used a given library, we’ll ask a follow-up question to find out what you like (or disliked) about it:

We’re hoping that this helps us get more granular data about why some technologies are popular.

Bye Bye CSS

As the ecosystem moves towards using JavaScript for everything and CSS becomes a relic of the past, we’ve decided we could safely drop the CSS section of the survey.

Just kidding! CSS is as relevant as ever to web development of course, but we just didn’t want to make the survey too long so we had to make some tough choices. In the end we decided to remove all questions related to CSS libraries.

But who knows, CSS might get its very own survey one day!

New Libraries

And of course, we’ve tweaked the default options offered as answers to reflect the current state of the ecosystem.

Overall there weren’t too many big changes, we mostly removed the least-popular options from last year and replaced them with the top results from the user-submitted “other options” categories for each section.

Some of this year’s new entrants include Preact, Storybook, and Next.js, among others.

The Results

The results should be out mid-November, and in fact I’ll give a preview at Dot JS in Paris on November 9th. Come say hello if you’re around!

If that seems like a long wait, it’s because we want to leave ourselves plenty of time to look at the data and figure out the best way to present it. After all we only have one chance a year to get it right!

Well I think we’ve covered everything, haven’t we? I’m not forgetting anything, am I…?

Oh yeah!

🎉 Take the survey! 🎉



Sacha Greif
We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news

Designer/developer from Paris, now living in Osaka. Creator of Sidebar, VulcanJS, and co-author of Discover Meteor.