Misconceptions About Divorce in Brampton

Sachdeva Milne Law Group
3 min readDec 28, 2021


Most people do not expect to get divorced while getting married and therefore never verify the myths regarding divorces. Following are some of the top misconceptions about divorces in Brampton.

Mother Gets Custody Always

People always assume child custody will naturally go to mothers in the event of a divorce. But this is not true. In a lot of cases, mothers do win the right to child custody. But this has nothing to do with being a mother, rather it is because the mother has been the primary caregiver to the child. Therefore fathers could also get full or joint custody.

You Could Speed Up the Process

You can do a lot of things to fasten up the divorce process with some help from a good family lawyer and if you and your partner can come to an agreement regarding the arrangements of the divorce. But this is not a guarantee. Since there is a high chance of disagreement when it comes to details of these arrangements, especially in financial arrangements after the divorce. Therefore things could slow down.

Lawyers Make Everything Complicated

Lawyers could make things more complicated. But this is not always true. If it happens it’s just an unintentional side effect. When you are getting a divorce in Brampton, family lawyers are your greatest aid. They can guide you through the divorce. Therefore you are better off with a lawyer right from the beginning of the separation. You can avoid any unwanted delay in the process with their counsel.

Common Law Relationships and Traditional Marriages

Common Law Relationships and Traditional Marriages are Same Under Law

One might think the law doesn’t distinguish between a traditional marriage and a common law relationship. But this couldn’t be more wrong. The law clearly distinguishes between these two and therefore has a different approach to divorce cases in both these matters. The rights of partners in common law relationships are limited when compared to the couples who got married traditionally. Therefore they aren’t the same under the law.

A Cheated Spouse Will Be Favored

People might think that in cases where a partner was cheated, the one who got cheated would be favored and the one who cheated would not be favored when it comes to divorce. This is another misconception. It has nothing to do with divorce laws even though adultery is considered a valid reason for seeking a divorce. Consulting a family lawyer in Brampton could give more clarity on this.

Family Lawyer in Brampton

It is always a good idea to get your facts right. Making the mistake of taking decisions based on any one of these misconceptions could cost your time and money.



Sachdeva Milne Law Group

Sachdeva Milne Law Group is prepared to offer a wide range of legal services in and is trained to offer collaborative law services.