3 min readSep 18, 2020


For mustard has a stimulative effect on the stomach and digestion juices. back in the days of ancient Alexandria, people had already appreciated the spicy burn of the mustard seeds and crushed them like cloves and coriander. Calumella (former Roman farmer & writer) who described the agriculture and stock farming of his time around AD 60 in 12 volumes entitled De Re Rustica, noted in AD 42 the first recipe which has been handled down for edible mustard.( so basically Romans who invented the very first recipe in 42 AD, i ts was known as Mvstvm Ardens (burning juice).
After charlemagne advised his farmers to plant mustard in Capitulare Di Villis. It spang up everywhere where the franks had one ruled.

There were ten moutardiers working in Paris around 1300. by 1650, there were already 600.
Mustard grows globally
Mustard grows well in the temperature regions, major producer of mustard seeds include India, Pakistan, Canada, Nepal, Hungary, Great Britain, and U.S . Brown and black mustard seeds return higher yields than their yellow counterparts.

Mustard seeds are rich source of oil and protein. The seed has oil as high as 46–48 %, and whole seed meal has 43.6% protein.
At 3 calories a teaspoon, mustard is the lowest calorie of the common condiments. Compared to mayo (31 calories), sweet relish (7 calorie), or even ketchup (6 calories), this stuff is basically a freebie.
Mustard seeds are excellent sources of the trace minerals selenium and magnesium, which not only help with cancer prevention, but can also manage symptoms of asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure , and migraines.
Mustard seeds are also abundant in phosphorus ,copper, manganese, and omega -3 fatty acid -all which beneficial for cellular regeneration and energy.
Often slightly crushed in order to split the husks, the seed are treated with brandy vinegar, water and salt for several hours. They are then weighed and mixed with ground & spices, first the albumen like enzyme myrosin and water , work together to generate mustard oil. Delicate and allylic , this oil produces the pungency which then disappears to a great extent, when hot industrial grinding mills drive it out at 3000 revolution a minute.

According to the USDA (National Nutrient Database) all these various nutrients in mustard seed are to be found in Database.

Minerals Quantity %DV* (daily value)

Magnesium 48 mg 14%

Potassium 152 mg 3%

Sodium 1120 mg 75%

In 1845 Mae Moutarde Boutique opened in Dijon,world oldest mustard shop.Dijon mustard is like black mustard seed &white wine vinegar, that the traditional recipe.

In which they have 40 variety of mustard flavor from cheese, fruits, spices etc with them. some varieties are like Honey,Walnut &Honey,Honey & Orange blossom, Honey&Balsamic, Blackcurrant,Truffle,White Wine, etc. There you generally find

125 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm packaging jars.

According to them you have to store in refrigerator, enjoy fresh mustard for 6 months and now you can travel with jar out of the fridge for 2 weeks

Originally published at https://www.foodandtraveluniverse.tk.

