Common Concerns About Chemotherapy

Sachin Mehta
3 min readOct 21, 2019


Chemotherapy is one of the most popular treatment procedure that helps in the successful management of different types of cancer. A large mass of cancer patients go through chemotherapy globally. There are some crucial concerns you need to be aware of while getting the chemo treatment. While you have a stronghold on these concerns, the treatment can become more comfortable for you.

Always try to find a decent clinic as well as an efficient physician who can successfully deliver you the treatment. There are numerous clinics you can choose from to get chemotherapy in Bangalore. Some of the common aspects concerning the treatment procedure are discussed in details below:

Treatment Period of Chemotherapy

The fundamental thing that you need to think about chemotherapy is for its plan and timings. Generally, it depends on the oncologist regarding the treatment plan and its schedules. You must always talk with your oncologist in details regarding the plan. A standard treatment plan of chemotherapy contains six cycles that continue up to 18 weeks. The application procedure varies from patient to patient.

Dosage Techniques

The administration of the dosages of chemotherapy is done in either of the three ways in case of all cancer patients. The first most common way is by the therapeutic injections. In this case, the dose is injected directly to the affected part. Doctors choose the injection procedures in case of cancer in muscle tissues or any external organ.

The second procedure for delivering chemotherapy is done by oral medication. Oral pills and liquid are given to the patients. Generally, children with different types of cancer are treated with this dosage method. Heart patients who cannot take radiation therapy can also be treated with oral chemo.

Patients with liver cancer are treated with the hepatic arterial infusion. It is a surgical procedure where a pump is placed under the skin of the patient and connecting it with the hepatic artery. Medications are delivered through this pump that takes it directly to the liver.

Side Effects of Chemotherapy

The patients going through the chemo cycles can experience certain side effects while the treatment continues. Hair loss is one of the prominent side-effects that all cancer patient develops while taking chemo. Other side-effects that all the patients can experience are fatigue, nausea and weight loss.

Nevertheless, the intensity of the side effects varies from patient to patient depending on their bodily metabolism. You must also know that the patients have chances to experience high fever or indigestion leading to IBS frequently.

Timely management of all the side effects with a wig and some added medication can help a patient to live a healthy life having decent social interaction.

So, these are some of the leading concerns about chemotherapy. Nowadays, advanced medications are available in India, which helps cancer patients to live a longer life. However, it is crucial to check if the victim is getting the proper treatment of not. Regular talk with the oncologist is the key necessity when it comes to controlling the anxiety for managing a cancer patient. Chemotherapy ensures the minimum spreading of cancerous cells. Thus, the lifespan of the patient automatically increases. If you are managing a cancer patient, you need to go through a counselling session. An efficient psychologist can help you to keep your mind in the perfect balance while you are managing your loved one who has cancer.

